Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mommy wars....

When I got pregnant, I had no idea this battle existed in society. I became a member of a few mommy forums, groups and news sites and my eyes were opened to the incredibly competitive, judgemental and fierce world of the Mommy Wars. I have close to 10 friends who had children close to Finn's age, and I am so relieved to say that none of them are soldiers in this silly charade. They are proud of their children, yes, but they celebrate your children's accomplishments right along with you. On the internet, however, I see how rampant this war has become. Let me give you a few examples.

1. Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding- This is a big one. There are women out there who have become the "Breastfeeding Nazis". If you formula feed, you are a sub par mother/human being. Me? I tried to breastfeed; I know it's the best thing you can feed your newborn. However, Finn being in the NICU, coupled with me having a low lactation supply that didn't satisfy my little piggy's hunger, had Luke buying formula at the supermarket at 4 am. We decided Finn being fed was more important than him starving so we could do things the "right way." My position has always been, "if the kid is fed, then what's the big deal?"

2. Diapers vs. cloth diapering- Not as big as BF vs. FF, but still a debate. Disposable diapers are becoming more and more of a hot topic; they are filling up landfills and enlarge your carbon footprint. Cloth diapering is all natural and more eco friendly, (for the record, I am not on either side of this debate. More power to you for disposing of your childs' waste in any way you deem worthy.) What do I use? Disposable. Am I being selfish? Probably. I cannot think of anything I would rather NOT do than throw away one of Finn's explosive diapers and then wash it. I like the convenience of taking the disposable off, wiping up the man's toosh, and chucking it in our outside garbage. Done deal. I will participate in other activities so as to reduce my footprint, thank you very much.

3. Everything in moderation- Childhood obesity. Reports state it's a real problem in this country. I don't deny that, but I now see, (or rather, read), the extremes people go to so their child will NOT be obese. No TV, ever. No fast food, ever. No processed baby food, ever. Things of that nature. I believe in give and take; I believe in moderation. Finn has watched TV. I try not to let him watch too much, but if he is attached to my leg whining and I really, really need to clean, do laundry or go to the bathroom, Megamind does the trick for the time being. Now, about fast food. I do not give Finn fast food right now; he is only 14 months old and still loves milk, apples, pears and ham. He doesn't need soda, fries and nuggets. That being said, he will get a Happy Meal every once in awhile. I'm not talking as his daily dinner; I make dinner every night so that won't be an issue. But, if we are on vacation and apple slices or carrot sticks just don't cut it, Finn will be able to indulge in a delightful burger and fries...with milk. :) As for processed foods, Finn had jarred baby food when he was starting solids. I had a ton given to me by family and friends and wasn't about to let it go to waste.

4. Working moms vs. Stay at home moms- This one irks me to no end. I hate that women feel the need to dictate to other women how their children should be raised. If the child is healthy, happy, cared for, loved and nurtured, what do you care whether that mom works during the day OR whether that mom stays at home? It's a huge debate, in my researched and well cultivated opinion. I stay at home with Finn; I have a husband that works his tail off so that I can do just that. It was a conversation we had when we were talking about having a family and we both agreed it was best for our family. But, I know families who do not have that luxury; I know moms who need that adult interaction, (heck, sometimes I crave a conversation that doesn't include, "say mama, Finn." "Mama." "Good!" allllllll day long. As a disclaimer, however, I LOVE being home with Finn. It's a ton of fun, and I get to feed my controlling addiction to have the perfect, cleanest house. It's a work in progress.) My point is, do what is best for you family and ignore the naysayers on both sides.

There are other topics, but I think I have made the point that I wanted to make in the first place. Being a mom is a crazy difficult job; I really had no idea until I became one. It is the most rewarding job as well. Do the best you can, and I'm sure it will be enough.

ETA: This blog was inspired by a couple things I was thinking about this morning as I was playing with Finn. You see, pediatricians and mothers everywhere recommend that you take the bottle away and replace it with a sippy cup by 12 months. Finn is 14 months old, and refuses to give up his bottle. And, I give in. It's becoming a major mommy fail for me, and I am frustrated with myself. He wakes up twice a night to have a bottle, and because I know it's bad for his teeth, I have been taking him out and feeding him warm water. It soothes him back into a sleepy slumber. But, I know he shouldn't have it anymore. I have a plethora of reasons for continuing the bottle, (it soothes him, it's the only way he would get his daily intake of whole milk, he doesn't eat much right now so I'm afraid that if his milk and rice cereal bottle is taken away, he will lose weight, etc.) All this has been running through my head since his 1st birthday, but Finn will NOT take a sippy. Any sippy, (I have bought every variation under the sun.) Anyhow, I have given Finn and I a deadline; he has to be fully rid of bottles and only taking sippy cups by the end of the year. That gives us two weeks. Wish us luck, (and have an amazing weekend!)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Trying To Conceive,(for those who didn't know what that acronym meant.) Luke and I have been TTC a little brother or sister for Finn since the beginning of November. We still aren't pregnant. I know, I know. Really, Liz? Still not pregnant after trying for a month? Call the Fertility Specialist! Ok, that was all sarcastic. I know I shouldn't worry because it has only been a month, but I am. Maybe because Finn was conceived the moment we talked about having a baby. Just like that. Boom. 6 weeks later, and I got a "Pregnant" on my home pregnancy test. I remember falling on the toilet, bawling. I called Luke, who was at a Cardiologist appointment and said, "I know you said to wait and take a test, but I already took one, (enter Luke's knowing sigh), and it was...positive. You're going to be a daddy!"
I can't wait to tell Luke that he is going to be a dad two times over. I can't wait to tell Finn he is going to be a big brother to Charlotte or Dietrich. I can't wait for my belly to be big, hard and round, (not the big, soft, blubbery tummy that was Finn's departing gift as he came into the world.) I can't wait to feel him/her kicking and rolling around; that was my favorite part of being pregnant with Finn. Luke and I still feel like our family is not complete just yet, and seeing Finn play with other kids with such excitement and joy just makes us realize that Finn would greatly benefit from having a live-in best friend/brother/sister. I can't wait to tell my mom, dad, sisters, brothers, neice, brother-in-laws, nephews, and sister-in-laws that the Mitchell clan, CA branch, will be expanding their family once more.
I haven't had this "fever' since...well, since Finn was still a spirit in Heaven, waiting for his mom and dad to decide to build a family. Since Finn was born, my life has been him. Which I love, by the way. But, while Finn was napping one day, I began to watch the videos I had taken of my tummy making weird shapes and Finn's butt sticking out against my skin. Then...the fever began. And it's only gotten worse. Now, it's full on hot!
I must cut this post short; Finn is throwing his food on the floor. Have a great week everyone, and I love you all! :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Blast from the past...

I have an old blog that was made in May 2008 when Luke and I first started dating. I found an entry about Luke that I love and so I am reposting it here. Everything said then still holds true for me now. :)

So...for the first time in my entire life, I am experiencing love! It's crazy, mind altering and so incredibly wonderful! It's ethereal, insane, scary as all get out and one of most amazing experiences a human being can encounter. I didn't know it was coming; it happened when I least expected it and it totally caught me off guard. I was looking for it for two years, and couldn't find it. I got tired of looking and decided it wasn't worth it anymore. That's when it came from the last place I thought to look. I thought I was always going to meet someone in college, someone I didn't know growing up. Lo and behold, I find myself being pursued by someone whom I have known for an entire decade. Someone whom I was crushing on for my entire teen years; someone who was too cool, too good looking for me. Then, all of a sudden, the tables turned. He was pursuing me; he was crushing on me and being the stubborn, relentless man he is, I finally decided to give him a chance. That was the best decision I have ever made; the scariest and the most unorthodox decision, yes, but the best. I was taking a huge chance on this man; he was WAY different than when he was in high school; more serious, more experienced with life and a lot tougher. But, there was something else that I didn't get to see until I became his girlfriend; this incredible caring, sweet, romantic, amazing, genuine side that I instantly found myself thanking my Heavenly Father every five seconds for bringing him into my life. His kindness, his way of making me feel like I am the only person that matters. I mean the world to him; he loves every part of me, inside and out. What did I do to deserve this incredible person deciding to love me with his whole heart? Me? I still don't understand it sometimes. I am no one special, but he thinks I am the most special. Why? He has told me and they are legitimate, wonderful reasons. Still, he amazes me every second...In conclusion, I am in love. I love him with every piece of me. I have finally found my knight in shining armour. My hopeless romantic fantasies that everyone told me can't come true, have come true! I know he is not perfect, nor am I. I know we will eventually fight and get annoyed with each other and yell and argue. But...I can't think of anyone I would rather fight with, annoy the heck out of, and argue with than him.

My woes and triumphs as a stay at home mommy!

Finn is sitting in his high chair, eating his ham and mandarin oranges. It has taken forever for me to find a way for Finn to eat solids, and not just drink milk all day long. He is a tall fellow, but a lanky, thin one too. I asked his pediatrician about it, and she actually laughed at me. Finn is just under 25 lbs. so I guess I have nothing to worry about. But, still...I worry. Comes with the territory, right? In any case, I have found a way, albeit a kind of strange way, to make him sit and eat. You see, if I put a cartoon on and let him watch while he eats, he unknowningly puts that food away like no ones' business. I know little ones aren't supposed to watch too much TV, but as a way to get Finn to get enough to eat every day, I am making a small exception.
I love this house. I can't wait to decorate it for my favorite holiday this year. I will have to have Luke with me when I go to get the decor because if not, I will spend far too much and go far too crazy, just like I did with Finn's birthday. The house is going to look incredible all festive and decked out. I love Christmas and all the good, calm, loving feelings it brings to my heart and those around me. Last Christmas, Finn was 2 months old; this year, he will be 14 months old and I can't wait to see him show more excitement and love for this holiday as I do. When I put on Christmas music, (which is every day since Halloween, ha), he smiles big and dances a little. I knew he would love the season as much as me! I can't wait until Santa gets to "visit" our house! :)
Finn seriously rocks; he the coolest kid I know. He is so gorgeous, but is also so laidback, happy and chill. I think, though he does show a bit of a Mitchell temper once in awhile, that he is going to have my relaxed personna, (hopefully not mine or Luke's occassional flare for drama, lol.) I really love being a SAHM. I do miss the adult interaction that you get working outside of the home; but, I think about all the things I would miss if I had to leave Finn every day and I'm so glad I have the opportunity to see those milestones and little quirks.
 I'm so grateful to Luke, for working so hard so that I CAN stay home and still have money in the bank. It takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work on his part. I wish people could see how much he has grown, changed and developed in the last 5 years. He is strong, smart, sensitive, romantic, hard working, giving, sarcastic, funny, and an amazing father and husband. Some don't give him that opportunity and they are missing out big time! :)
As for Finn's upcoming diagnosis, I am glad thankful for the support, encouragement and good thoughts from all of our friends, family and loved ones. Finn is very lucky to have so many that love and care for him. Have an amazing weekend, everyone! I love you all so much! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The saga continues...

I finally got a phone call from Finn's pediatrician. One of the two blood tests they did, (testing his caryotides level), came back normal. This means, (I'm pretty sure), that there were no malformations or abnormalities in his DNA strands. The other, more extensive test, is still in a lab in Minnesota, ready and waiting to be tested. Finn's insurance approved us seeing Dr. Shwari, (sp?), at Sutter Medical Center in Sacramento and sent the orders to them at 4:00 pm today. At 5:00 pm, Sutter called me and scheduled an appointment for January 9th, 2012, (my dear Kristina's 24th birthday!) We will be seeing this geneticist to get an official diagnosis, an understanding of what it is exactly, and will ask whether any of our subsequent children have a chance of having it. It's really a minor condition, and nothing like what some children and parents go through, but anything negatively affecting Mr. Finnegan, kills me inside. He is on track with everything developmentally, cognitively and mentally. He is walking, running, talking a little, and is as sharp as a tack.
Tonight, I burned myself on the stove and told Finn. Then, I put my finger in front of him and said, "If you kiss it, it will feel all better." He promptly grabbed my hand, and kissed my finger. Then, and I kid you not, he raised one eyebrow at me expectantly. I said loudly, "Mommy is all better! Thank you, baby!" He smiled and went about his business. Such a regal, mature young fellow. I pray for him day and night, that he will be strong, happy, love his Heavenly Father and make the right decisions. I worry that he will one day be teased by other boys that his chest looks different than everyone elses'. I expressed that feeling to Luke and he said, "Are you kidding me? He's going to be the tallest, best looking kid in California. He is going to have NO problems with that." But, just to make me feel better, we looked up and found stories and pictures of professional athletes and bodybuilders with Polands' Syndrome. It made us both feel at ease.
In any case, we have finally made some headway on this thing, and I will update as much as I can on this 'saga." Love you all!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

An update on Finn, (the good and the...not so good)

So, Finn had his 1 year well check this morning. he is 24 1/2 lbs, 32 inches and is due for another growth spurt according to his pediatrician, since his head is huge and his body needs to catch up. He waved at her as she was coming in, and later walked to her, (shakily, but he did it!) He is on track with all his milestones, and all parts are running hot, straight and normal. I had made a list of questions to make sure I didn't miss anything, (which is what I usually do; hence the list.) As she was walking out, I remembered the last question. Here is how it went:

Me: "Oh yeah. Hey doc! Is his chest looking like it's growing on track with the rest of his body?"

Doc: "Let me look...I forgot about this. It looks like Poland Syndrome. I can't officially diagnose it, though. Off to see a Geneticist at UC Davis!"

Well, that is not exactly how it went. Let me back track for a second. When Finn was born, he collapsed his right lung. The nurse noticed something was off, (besides the fact that he was off color and not crying), when she saw the left side of his chest. It was caved in and there was no tissue supporting his left nipple. In any case, he was in the NICU for a week for a pneumothorax, (collapsed lung) and pneumonia. The only thing they mentioned about the left side of his chest was that there was no tissue for the left nipple and his ribs were abnormal. They said it wouldn't affect him at all; just a little cosmetic difference.

Throughout his well checks and various other appts, every time I mentioned his chest, they told me the same thing. He has had 6 x-rays throughout his one year of life and no one said anything about a "syndrome." He just looked a little different, (it's really not even that noticeable.)

Fast forward  to today: the only reason anything was discussed about his chest was because I wanted to be proactive in making sure it wouldn't affect him in life. That's the ONLY reason his pediatrician noticed. She looked up his patient records from the day he was born, the time he was transferred to Redding by EMTs and the reports of the NICU doctor, and they NEVER mention his ribs or the lack of muscle tissue in that pectoral area. Uh...why did no one address it? Should I have asked more questions besides just accepting his ribs are a little different, but nothing to worry about? I think, at that time, I was so stressed out that any good, "no problem" type news made me feel a little more relieved. Now...I'm pissed. Sorry about the language usage, but...why all of the sudden are we off to see a Specialist in Birth Defects ONE year later?

In any case, let me explain what Poland Syndrome is, (I have already researched the CRAP out of it.) This syndrome, (named after a man, not the country), is basically where the top ribs on one side are shorter than the other side, which causes the chest to look inverted on one side. In addition, they are lacking the two long, lean pectoral muscles that make up the chest on one sie. They are also lacking tissue for that sides' nipple. Some patients with Poland Syndrome also have shorter fingers or webbed fingers on the affected side, (thank God he doesn't have either. His fingers are NOT webbed and are the same length as his other hand.)

I can't help but feel like this is my fault. It's a genetic birth defect. Should I not have other children? Ah. So many questions. I guess this Specialist will have the answers. In any case, he is my love and he is gorgeous. It won't affect him in any way because all he will know is that he is beautiful inside and out and an amazing kid/boy/man. Prayers, please. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1,000,000 dollars!

So, I love the smoothies at McDonalds: specifically, the strawberry banana one. Yum. And, I confess...I love the $3 dollar mini meals there, too. Especially when I am running a million errands and need something small, but quick to satisfy my growling tummy. In any case, they are now doing their annual Monopoly game. I have a bunch of them that I am keeping together so that I might win something. If you get Park Place and Boardwalk together, you win a whopping million dollars. As I was driving away after getting my smoothie and discovering this little bit of information, I started to ponder about what I would get if I miraculously won that 1,000,000 dollars, (and believe me, I am going to try my darndest to win that money!) I have my "adult" list, (which will inevitably win out!), and my "I'm still a kid" list. Here is the adult list:

Pay off the house
Fix the garage door
Hire a landscaper to design and execute the backyard
Hire an interior designer to design and decorate the house
Hire a construction co. to add another level and more bedrooms to the house
Give each family member some of the money
Buy a Nissan Armada
Save the rest for kids' colleges/missions
Get 10 years worth of food storage

And here is the "kid" list:

Take entire family, extended as well, on a two week vacation to Disneyland
Travel the world
Shopping spree for me, Luke and my babies
Buy lots of "toys", (boat, mobile home, motorcycle., 1964 Impala for Luke, jewelry, etc.)
Give each family member some of the money

Man, I really wish sometimes that this could all be possible. Not having to worry about bills, being able to enjoy the good and exciting things in life, as opposed to Luke having to slave away every day just to make sure we are secure, (not that I'm not eternally grateful to him for working his tail off, because I most certainly am!); he doesn't get to enjoy the fun things as much as he deserves. Ok, I am off to enjoy the day with my little man. Happy Tuesday! :)
Go on shopping spree for

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fatty McFattersons

Luke wanted a bathroom scale. It was a mistake to get one; I could hear that thought resonating in my head as I walking to the checkout with that blasted thing in one arm, and my not-so-little man in the other. I tried to tell myself, it will motivate you. It will give you a starting point to go forward from. We got home, I opened it up, and tapped it to make sure it worked. It flashed 0.0. I stepped on it, refusing to look down until it beeped that my weight was calculated. BEEP. I looked down. My heart sank, tears built up and I came out of the bathroom and fell on the bed next to Luke. He knew exactly what happened. He pulled so I was on my back, kissed me, and asked what it was. I told him. It didn't even phase him. I said, "maybe we shouldn't try for baby  #2 until I can become less of a fat cow." After berating me for insulting myself, he said: "let's just try to lose as much weight as we can together and in November, we will see where we are at. Don't worry about it." I wiped my tears and thought, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get up, work out, cut some stuff out of your diet and get your body ready to make another baby.
My motivation isn't the number that was on that evil scale. My motivation is that baby in the pre-existence waiting to meet his/her mama, daddy and big brother. I will be as healthy as I can be for him/her, for Luke and for Finn.

Thank heavens that I am 6'3'', though. Hides how big I really an extent. Happy Tuesday, everyone.


Yesterday, 10/3/11, Luke's grandpa passed away. Luke needed to talk and tell stories about his poppy, so he did while I got dinner together. Poppy was the only grandpa of Luke's that I knew, (his other two grandpas passed before I could meet and know them), and he was a blast to talk to. He told me stories about World War II, and we always joked about how tall we both were. Finn was able to know him, meet him and give him hugs and for that, I am grateful. We are waiting to hear when the funeral is, and we just want to offer our condolences to his three daughters, one son and Luke's granny that is surviving him. He was a good grandpa to Luke and his twin sister and brothers. He will be missed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Got the fever...

Finn will be a one year old in 13 days. Oy. I can't believe it. The year has seriously FLOWN by. He went from being a cute, squished face chunk who couldn't move or lift his head to a tall, lanky crawling machine who now tentatively walks and says "mama" and "dada." I see my friends having their second babies, and with Finn growing so much and becoming a little boy as opposed to a little baby, I find myself coming down with the fever...the baby fever. Luke and I knew, (as long as we could afford to, of course), that we wanted our kids about two years apart; close enough in age so they could be potentially close, close enough in age so that Luke and I were ancient when we were done having kids, and close enough but not too close as to overwhelm us, (too many babies!!!!) Luke and I will be TTC in November, and I can't wait. Finn needs someone to play with besides his boring, old mama! And I love being a mama. I still feel like Luke and I have lots of love to still give, (though it is hard to imagine loving another baby as much as we love Captain Finn.) Anyhow, I was thinking about baby Dietrich or baby Charlotte today, and just needed to "put it on paper", so to speak. Happy Tuesday, all! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can it be true????!!!!

As I sit here typing, Finn is at this moment, sound asleep in his CRIB. I never thought this day would come. When he came home from the hospital, I was terrified of SIDS; terrified that putting him in his crib would instantly steal his breathe and I would lose my little love. So, he slept on me. I could feel his chest rise, hear his little sighs, feel the air coming out of his nose onto my skin. It was my security blanket. Then, as he got older, and started to sleep in bed with Luke and I, that became what he was used to. Every time I even attempted to put him in the air, he would scream and throw his head back and reach for me. It broke my heart, and I couldn't do it. Luke tried the Cry-It-Out technique. It broke his heart; he couldn't bear to hear his son scream and cry. So, back to our bed Finn went.

Then, Luke and I started talking about getting pregnant again. We want our children to be as close to each other as possible, and be done having kids at a fairly early age, (if all goes our way, I will be done at 32.) But, our dilemma was this: we have a  queen bed. When I was pregnant with Finn, Luke was terrified he would hit my belly while he was sleeping. So, he took to sleep as far off in his corner as possible. Later on, he had no choice but to sleep on the edge of the bed, (did you guys SEE my belly????!!!!) We couldn't imagine Luke, me, Finn and baby #2, (still in womb), all in our bed. None of us would sleep, and we all need to: Luke has to sleep in order to function at his high stress job; I have to sleep in order to function and be happy mommy to my up and coming toddler; Finn needs sleep to grow; and little Sesame Numero Dos needs sleep to turn into a cute baby as opposed to an alien-like creature, (I keed, I keed.) Anyhow, it became very apparent that Finn needed to sleep in his own bed, and not with mama and daddy.

When we bought our house, our favorite room was the Master Bedroom. People, I don't kid when I say that our bedroom is HUGE. I personally would have used this space for other parts of the house, but it is nice to have tons of space in our room. Anyhow, we put Finn's crib in far corner of the bedroom so I could feel better about him sleeping away from me, (I have separation anxiety BAD), but also so he could see us. Well, apparently he still was not close enough to us. So my brilliant husband had the brilliant idea to smash the crib right next to my side of the bed so that he could see me up close, hold my hand if he needed to and even give kisses through the crib posts, (he loves giving mama and daddy kisses.)

We tried it out for the first time last night. I was FLOORED. He played around a bit, smiled thru the posts, promptly laid down, rolled around a bit to get comfortable and fell asleep...just like that. Not only that, but he only woke up a few times and it was just to give a little whiny sound, hold my hand to make sure I hadn't left him and he went right back to sleep. He slept until 6:30, then stood up and reached for me. I confess: he did go back to sleep in my arms for about an hour, but I needed to snuggle as much as he did. Luke and I gave each other high fives before Luke was off to work, (looking much more rested, I must say.) I probably slept less than I normally do, but only because I was putting my hand on Finn's back/tummy every couple know, just to make absolutely sure my little man was safe and sound. I thought it was too good to be true, but at nap time, (about an hour ago), I put him in with his favorite blankie, (just laying on his legs), and he rolled around a bit, smiled at me and went to sleep! I'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is, I don't want it to stop.

Basically, this entire blog has been about Finn's crib. But, I feel such a weight off my shoulders. It was one thing I have been struggling to find answers to, basically since Finn was born. I also feel relieved because now, when I am a round, pregnant blimp again, I don't have to worry about whether any of us will sleep that night. Now, it will just be back to puking, heartburn, headaches, hormone jumps and dives and stretching muscles. Wait- why do I wan to get pregnant again? Oh, because of the kicks, rolls, bonding time and cute prego belly that eventually becomes another gorgeous baby that is pieces of the love of my life and I. And, Finn will be a big brother!!!

Awwwwwwwww......feeling proud and happy today. Have a great weekend, all! Love you! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Putting thoughts into writing! :)

Why is it that housework never ends? Is it because I live with two boys? Or is it because Luke, Finn and I actually have to, I don't Whatever it is, I wish the floor would stay clean, the dishes would stay in the cupboards, the bed would made, the clothes would stay washed, folded and hung up and the toys would stay in the basket. Well, to be honest, I don't mind cleaning that much. I guess it's the stereotypical thing to whine about, isn't it? If I had to whine about something, it would be living too far away from my family. Other than that, life is pretty darn amazing. I saw on a friends' blog, (she has a little one a day older than Finn), a few days ago that had an entry that was just about her. I really liked that idea, since we mamas/wives sometimes feel a little lost in the chaos. I am now going to steal her idea, (but giving her credit for thinking it up, of course! :))

All about Liz

1. I miss Oregon a lot. I miss the 4 distinct seasons, the familiarity of the town and, of course, the people I left behind.

2. I don't have many friends here in CA. That being said, I do have a couple that I adore and that really are amazing people. But, I do miss my old friends, back in the simpler days: high school, then college, then summers where we would go out and just talk about life and all it has to offer. Good times!

3. I am in such a different place than ALL of my old friends. We all are doing great, but we all are doing such different things.

4. I used to be a disorganized money spender who was always flying by the seat of my pants. Being married, having a baby and being a one income family with a mortgage has turned me into this super organized, super anal and incredibly efficient housekeeper/financial organizer. Since I am in charge of our finances, I keep track of every cent that goes out. And, it has helped our financial situation immensely. It's a grest source of pride for me now.

5. Though I am still lacking in the self confidence area, it has been much improved by my amazing husband, Luke. He really has been my rock in so many situations.

6. Though pregnancy was not fun for me, (besides feeling Finn move, I could have done without most everything else), and labor SUCKED!, I am ready for #2. I want Finn to have a playmate, and Luke and I are ready to give love to another one of our babies that is waiting for us in the pre-existence. We decided that when we felt like our family was complete, we would be done with having kids. We don't feel complete yet.

7. I need to lose a lot of weight. I typed how much, but erased it. I guess I'm just too self conscious!

8. I am proud to be 6'3''. There were definitely stages of my life where I hated it, (people aka men can be pretty cruel), but I have learned to embrace it. In fact, there are advantages I have that shorter people don't. :)

9. I am still a corny, romantic sap who believes in happily ever after. But, watching romantic movies doesn't do anything for me anymore. Maybe because my happily ever after happily came true! :)

10. I am a very passive pushover and I always want to please everyone. I am slowly learning that, though  that is impossible, I am the type to try until I find a way to make EVERYONE happy.

11. I have always been a worry wart, but Finn has made me a bit of a psycho. Now that he is a proficient crawler and a tentative walker, he bumps some part of his body, (usually his head), almost daily. And, almost daily, I have to talk myself down from thinking every little bump and scratch isn't life threatening. Sometimes, logic wins. Most of the time, it doesn't.

That is all! Well, obviously that is not all of ME, but since Finn is napping, I am thinking some laundry, bed making, and painting seems in order. Have an amazing week everyone, and I love you all! :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lots to do!!!!

Finn is napping, so in between laundry, sweeping and other basic household duties, I have decided to post an entry in this blog of mine. It's Sept. 9th. Finn will be 11 months old tomorrow. We have so much to do to prepare not only for his sure-to-be-epic first birthday, but for this coming "winter" as well. I put the season in quotes because a Red Bluff winter include a high of 65, a low of 40 and lots and lots of rain. Not the below freezing, icy, snowy winters that I am used to.

Anyhow, since I have become a wife, mother and now new homeowner, I have become an OCD, uber-organized psycho who must have everything clean and in its' place. We still need to finish spackling, sanding, texturizing, etching and painting over the little holes the previous owners left behind; we still need to weed eat, level and seed our completely unfinished backyard. We need to shampoo and clean the front room's carpet, (it looked fabulous until we started walking on it. Then, stains from the previous owners popped up. Now, it looks gnarly.) Oh, yeah. And then, there is the ever apparent eye sore known as our bent up garage door. All in good time. Or, otherwise...all in the month before Finn's birthday! :)

I feel so blessed, and so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me this life. I know statements like that can come off as bragging, or self righteous. But, I must say it when I feel it. And today...I feel it! :) Have a good weekend everyone, and I love you all! :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Captain Finn!

My little man is growing up and hitting a lot of milestones all at once! When it rains, it pours! Here is a list of all my little man is up to these days!

1. He is standing all by himself. Not holding on to the tables, the couches, nothing! The first time he did it, I screamed "Good job!" and it scared him so bad, he fell. :)

2. He has taken two steps on two different occassions. Once again...I got so excited, it freaked him out and he fell. Whoops. I guess subtlety is the answer here.

3. He whistles. I thought he wouldn't be old enough to know he was doing it, until I did it back to him. Now, he shapes those full lips, and whistles just so I will do it back. It's one of his favorite things to do.

4. He kisses. Open mouthed and very slobbery-like, but if you hold him, pucker up and say, "kiss!" He will lean forward and put a big, sloppy, wet one right on your kisser. Thus far, he will only kiss me, Luke, and my mom. If you ever want one, though, just ask and I'm sure the little flirt will oblige. :)

5. He knows when he is about to do something wrong. If he is going for something he shouldn't, and I say "Finnegan Leo Mitchell..." in that "mom" voice, you better believe I will get a side smile and then a speed crawler towards the above said off limits object. If he gets a scolding, he growls but listens. I have only ever had to tell him once...maybe twice. ;)

6. He is TALL and LANKY. I swear his face looks like a mirror image of Luke, (besides the eyes; those are from me!), but his frame is sure to be a Stuevens frame. I am thinking a Mitchell face with a Stuevens physique.

7. Though he is still sleeping with Luke and I, we have at least graduated to him sleeping OFF of me. Now, he sprawls out on his tummy between Luke and I and sleeps the night away...he still wakes up at least twice though. His favorite place to nap is on the floor on one of his two favorite blankets.

8. He is good natured and so laidback. When playing with other babies, he shares, loves and doesn't complain when I am holding another baby. It's a blessing and will be nice to know when #2 comes along, I won't have to worry about a jealous Finn. At least, let's hope so!

That is all for now! Happy Labor Day Weekend to all! Love you all! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Opposites Attract????

Good morning, all!!!! Finn and I have a busy day ahead of us; we are going camping with Luke, and my family from Wednesday to Saturday and we have lots left to prepare! I cannot wait to take Finn camping in the same spot where I spent most of my summer vacations as a child. But, that is not the point of this post. Luke and I have had this discussion plenty of times and last night, as we talked quietly as we slowly slipped into unconsciousness, I came to fully understand how opposite Luke and I really are...and how much I absolutely love it.

Luke is a realist; his motto is: "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." I am an idealist; my head is in the clouds, and I don't like to live in reality, unless absolutely necessary.

Luke loves rap, 80's music, techno (gag), country, and everything in between. I only like hard rock music, (although, to be honest, Luke has opened my eyes to a few songs NOT in that genre.)

Luke loves Star Trek, Star Wars, WW II flicks, and the History channel. I love action movies, Harry Potter, romance and musicals.

Luke has the world's most intense personality. His temper is the most intense one I have ever seen, (it's amusing though; he has never lost it with me. He loses it at work daily, however.) I don't have a temper, (it's takes A LOT to make me mad, and Luke teases me when I do. Apparently, it's impossible to take me seriously when I'm mad because I still look nice and happy.)

Luke is 5'11''. I am 6'3''. The entire world feels the need to point that out, so I thought I must as well.

It takes Luke 3 minutes to fall asleep. I could be the most exhausted I have ever been, and it will still take me at least an hour to fall asleep. (I hate him for that one!)

When Luke is excited, nothing in his voice or expression changes. When I'm excited, people in Argentina can hear the excitement in my voice.

I could go on, but the point is Luke and I have three things IN common: 1. We are both LDS. 2. We both love our son. 3. We both are obsessed with the other. And because the last three years have been the best in my life, I would have to come to the conclusion that there is something to this "opposites appract" thing. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today, I feel really grateful. Just content. That's all I pretty much wanted to say today. I will be posting again tomorrow after Finn's 9 month well check. I estimate he will be 30 inches and 21 lbs, but we will see if I am correct. He has certainly stretched out, and is a very tall, but thin dude! Gosh dang, it's amazing the amount of love you can feel for your child. Overwhelming, but wholly satisfying at the same time.

On another, perhaps a little personal note, Luke and I are preparing to get ready for Finn's little brother/sister. We want 4 children, 2 years apart, if all goes according to plan, (I understand it might not work exactly how we want it to, but I am a planner nonetheless.) I have to lose all the baby weight from Finn first and then some more before I get pregnant again; I gained WAY too much with Finn and will be sure to do things a little differently when I am carrying #2. I should clarify, that NO, I am NOT pregnant right now. But, we are getting ready! I think about how crazy difficult it's going to be with Finn having to share me, but I think he will be an amazing big brother. Anyhow, he is fussing and saying "mama" so I must go. Happy Tuesday, everyone! :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some theories...

Good morning to you, all! There are some things filling up my noggin that I need out of my head so I am putting thosw thoughts here. You know, in my head, I am able to convey deep, intelligent thoughts about difficult subjects. Getting them out of my head and onto to "paper' is a different story. It's always been an issue with me, but has now only been compounded by something called "mommy brain." It's so true when they say you become forgettful and a little...stupid? Maybe the wrong word, but it conveys what I am trying to say. Ok, so now that I just went on and on about inane, pointless junk, let's get to the real point of this blog.

I have decided to stop reading news articles that will make me feel depressed, disgusted, or feel the presence of Satan, (I'm being completely serious. You all know what I am talking about!) The articles I would mainly read about, (some NOT by choice), were about horrible evil people committing horrible, evil acts on the Innocent, (aka children.) It made me not want to take Finn out of my sight, (I'm talking when he is older, of course), and made me wonder if Luke and I should bring more children into a world where there are so many that want to harm them. Then, (and those who know me really well, know this is coming), my positive side came screaming out, like she inevitably always does. Think of the good things in this world: children miraculously becoming cancer free, people volunteering to help feed, clothe and teach children who otherwise wouldn't have that option. The list went on and on. (I'm still not going to read those depressing articles. I wish there was an option on my computer to erase them every time I got online. Maybe I can patent that? Surely there are more people who would love to read a little more good news, and not so much death, destruction and perverse acts! Let me know if you are one of those people!)

On to the next topic: being a mother, (I promise it's a not a self righteous, gloating paragraph.) Everyone knows I LOVE being Finn's mama. That's not what I am talking about in this part of my blog. I am talking about the competition I didn't know existed between mothers until I became one myself. Yes, we all know it is a magnificent feat, giving birth. Hurts more than anything you will ever experience, (not to scare soon-to-be mamas or any ladies thinking about becoming mamas one day), and it permanently changes your physique, (again, I'm not trying to scare you.) However, I don't think women who go through childbirth deserve some award, (ever heard of a push gift? Um...really???) It should be reward enough to hold that little baby that you and the person you love the most made together. Anyhow, (see, I told you I have problems conveying things coherently), back to "mom competitions." As soon as I brought Finn home, I began to see fellow parents, (not always just the mamas), competing to see whose baby rolled first, smiled first, crawled first, stood up first, cured cancer first... My whole thought process was: Can't we just be happy when our own child does these things? Can't we be almost equally as happy when our friends' kiddos do the same? I saw friendships break up because of it; I saw people greatly exaggerate their babies accomplishments just so their kid could be the "first" one to do it, (my kid started walking at 2 months!) I don't know. Maybe this whole paragraph is gloriously judging and I should shut my trap. I just want everyone to be happy when everyone triumphs and be there for each other when someone falls. I know. I'm full of cheese! :)

Next topic: our house. I worship this house; truly, I kiss its' walls when I have a "moment" for it. But, much is still to be done. When Luke and I became Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, and I became the one in charge of our finances, (Luke has a good reason for having me fill this position in our marriage), I became VERY organized; almost, OCD-like. I make to do lists, what we need lists, grocery lists; I have all our bills put into my phone calendar, (though I have them all memorized.) Therefore, I am going to be making a list here of the things needed for our home, big and small. Feel free to stop reading, or read on to see what Luke and I still need for our home that will house our children as they grow! I love you all! :)

1. TV, (our's are ancient!)

2. Couch and loveseat, (we have some we got for free and would like some matching ones soon!)

3. A new garage door, ( the former owner backed his truck into it while it was still down. Genius!)

4. A landscaped backyard, (we have a massive, unfinished backyard!)

5. A closet organizer to come and organize Luke and my walk in closet.

6. More accessories for the walls.

7. A new TV stand.

8. A bigger dinner table, (my dad is building us one of his famous ones!)

I think that about does it for now!!! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's been a LONG time...

Hello world! It's been awhile since I updated this thing-a-ma-jig so here we go! Just really quick because Finn moves a mile a minute and I have to keep an eye on him 24/7. Yes, Finn is 9 months old, and super mobile! He started crawling at about 6 months, but was doing the army crawl thing. At about 7 months, he started propping up on his knees and hands and now he is crawling so quickly that I can't sit down. I love it, though!
He started pulling himself into a standing position at about 7 1/2 months and now he is walking, (assisted by me, Luke or the couch, of course.) I think he will be walking in the next month or so now. He is always happy, and laughs so much. He is just a relaxed, content and loving little man. He is tall, lanky and has a super strong personality. Just now, he used my legs to stand up and is now trying to type along with his mama. He hasn't been sick or needed to go to the doctor, besides one little trip to the ER, (he was choking on something so badly, he was turning blue but "mama instinct" kicked in and I knocked it out of his throat. I took him to the hospital, just to be safe and since he was flirting with the nurses and the female MD, the consensus was he was fine, and he was.) Anyhow, I am putting up a list at the end of this blog of all of his "baby accomplishments" so that I can have it written down somewhere.
Real quickly, I don't know who actually reads this, but I was having a moment for all the other mamas and papas that have babies at or around Finn's age. So here's a shout out to:

Ruben and Shawntay: Proud parents of Eden!!! :)

Joe Peter and Chelsey: Proud parents of Oliver!!! :)

Jake and Kimberly: Proud parents of Isabelle!!! :)

Alan and Cassie: Proud parents of Noah and Elexis!!!! :)

Josh and Susan: Proud parents of Ginny!!! :)

Jeff and Marie: Proud parents of Lottie!!! :)

Lots of babies for Finn to chill with, (although some are a ways away from us...oh well. LOL)

Finn's Accomplishments:

Lifted head: 3 weeks

Smiled: I swear at birth, but truly at 1 month

Rolled: 2 months

Sitting at: 4 months

Army crawling: 4 months

Crawling: 6 months

Standing: 7 1/2 months

Have an amazing weekend, everyone! I love you all! :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good Mornin' To Ya...

Well, Good Morning world! Well, Finn and I have been up since 7am but the wonderful boy fell back asleep from 8am until 10am so I was able to get a couple more hours. He's so good to me. Now, he is sitting all warm in my lap, hiccuping and playing with his favorite toy-my cell phone. Oh, heavenly.

What was the point of this post? Just a little update about the Mitchells before it's back to being insanely busy, (which I love!) Finn is healthy, happy bouncing 20lb, 28 1/2inches baby. I saw the post with my prediction and I was really close. I DO hold him all day and all night so I guess I would be the one to judge his size correctly. Tomorrow, he is getting a new car seat- one that I will get in a neutral color since we will be having more and these car seats are spendy! :)

Finn is a crawler! A tentative one, but one nonetheless. He also can sit up on his own, and loves to copy whatever Luke and I do; it is hilarious and so much fun! He laughs ALL the time, and cannot help but smile; I mean, literally CANNOT help it. He smiles through his tears if someone does or says something funny. I love that he is a happy, relaxed baby but I have been told multiple times that if the first one is a happy baby, #2 will be...a hellraiser. We will see if that urban legend holds true, (and when I say "we will see", I don't mean soon. I mean, when Luke and I decided to TTC #2. Just to clarify, I am NOT pregnant.)

In house news, we have officially been approved and will be signing loan documents, the title papers, getting our keys and closing the sale probably by the end of next week! 3 weeks before our official closing deadline! WOOT! We have already started packing and have so much to do that we can't start doing until the keys are in our hands, so we are getting a little impatient and want to get this show on the road!!! Speaking of impatient, Finn is talking, spitting on my arm and showing signs we would like out of my lap and on the floor for some tummy time/crawling practice. So, off we go! Have a great day, everyone! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update on "The Man"

Hey all! Just a quick update on Finn. He will be 6 months on the 10 of April, and is getting SO huge. We won't know what he weighs or how tall he is until his 6 month well check in a couple weeks, but my estimation and guess is: 19.6lbs, and 29inches. We will see if I am right! Here are some facts about the man: 1. He has such a personality, and is becoming quite the flirt. 2.He smiles pretty much 24/7, EXCEPT when he is really tired. Then, he becomes a big monster! 3. He is still eating all the time, and is still sleeping with me, although we have graduated from the couch to the bed with Luke. 4. He wakes up only once a night now , and just to eat and have his diaper changed. 5. He is terrified of super loud noises; I have to hold him when I vacuum and he keeps a death grip on my arm and shoulder. I am trying to break him of that, though. Breaks my heart to see that terrified look on his face. 6. He grunts, flexes his arms and shakes when he wants my attention. I know I shouldn't encourage it, but it's hilarious. 7. He talks, (or should I say 'blabs"), and laughs ALL the time. I have a feeling he is going to be a happy, bouncy, "all over the place" toddler. :) 8. He sighs and moans while he sleeps. It's become a lullaby to me. HA. 9. He loves to be held, and I have to catch him in the right mood in order for him to be happy to be on the floor for tummy time. 10. He rolls all over the place and does what I call "the worm" in order to get around. 11. He is doing a push up style stance and puts his knees under his tummy. No crawling forward yet! 12. He is a huge daddy's boy. He will love on me all day, and as soon as Luke comes home from work, I no longer exist. It's adorable, if not a little saddening for me. :) In other areas, Luke and I found a large, new and completely fabulous house and we are now in escrow. We are just waiting for the loan to go through and then the keys will be in our hands! I am so tense and nervous and ready for it to be ours. Have a good night all! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's been so long...

It's been so long since I updated this blog and since Finn is taking a nap, I figured now was as good a time as any. Here goes:

2010 was an amazing year for Luke and I. Luke was promoted at work again, and was able to use his aggressive nature to negotiate a raise of sorts. We found out January 23rd that I was 6 weeks pregnant. The first ultrasound picture was a black hole, the babies "home" as our OB/GYN put it. We had another ultrasound at 9 weeks, where we saw a little gummy bear. Throughout the pregnancy we were able to see our little gummy bear many times. Because Luke has a heart condition, they monitored our little one's heart growth. Happy to say, his heart is fabulous. I was fortunate enough to stay at home throughout my pregnancy, which was truly a blessing, especially during the morning sickness phase and the end of my pregnancy where I was an enormous belly with arms and legs. At 18 weeks, we found out that our little gummy bear was a boy. We were both thrilled, although I was a little nervous, considering I had no experience taking care of little boys. Though he was 2 weeks late, (read the birth story if you so wish), Finn was born on 10/10/10 and is truly a perfect 10. He is the best thing that has ever happened to both of us, and though having a little one is a 24/7, sometimes exhausting job, it is our happiness and pleasure to raise this blessing from our Heavenly Father.
Finn is growing like crazy; he is our little chunky monkey. I took him to the doctor on Monday for congestion, (he isn't sick, just dry air), and he weighs 16lbs 8oz. His pedicatrician said he is growing rapidly, but at a good pace and is not too chubby, (he is a little over 27 inches long). She is estimating he will be about 6'6'' when he is fully grown. I think it will be hilarious to see 5'11'' Luke discipline our giant son when he is a teenager, (although Luke's personality is 6'6'' so he shouldn't have a problem.)
We are trying to get Finn used to sleeping in his crib, since he has been sleeping in my arms on my chest since we brought him home. My back and knees are starting to feel it, and Finn is getting so big, we are both having problems getting adequate rest. In addition, Luke is getting a little lonely by himself and would like me to be back with him. :)
Luke and I are stronger than ever in our marriage. We have such a fun and relaxing time together, and are so excited September 2011 will mark our second wedding anniversary. I feel so blessed every day to be married to such a hard working, handsome devil of a man. He is such an incredible father and husband; Finn and I both light up when he comes from work every night.
Well, that is all for now. I usually do my little thing with the colors for words I want to stand out, but Finn is calling for his mama so today is just boring black font. Have a great week everyone! Love you all!