Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today, I feel really grateful. Just content. That's all I pretty much wanted to say today. I will be posting again tomorrow after Finn's 9 month well check. I estimate he will be 30 inches and 21 lbs, but we will see if I am correct. He has certainly stretched out, and is a very tall, but thin dude! Gosh dang, it's amazing the amount of love you can feel for your child. Overwhelming, but wholly satisfying at the same time.

On another, perhaps a little personal note, Luke and I are preparing to get ready for Finn's little brother/sister. We want 4 children, 2 years apart, if all goes according to plan, (I understand it might not work exactly how we want it to, but I am a planner nonetheless.) I have to lose all the baby weight from Finn first and then some more before I get pregnant again; I gained WAY too much with Finn and will be sure to do things a little differently when I am carrying #2. I should clarify, that NO, I am NOT pregnant right now. But, we are getting ready! I think about how crazy difficult it's going to be with Finn having to share me, but I think he will be an amazing big brother. Anyhow, he is fussing and saying "mama" so I must go. Happy Tuesday, everyone! :)

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