Friday, December 2, 2011

My woes and triumphs as a stay at home mommy!

Finn is sitting in his high chair, eating his ham and mandarin oranges. It has taken forever for me to find a way for Finn to eat solids, and not just drink milk all day long. He is a tall fellow, but a lanky, thin one too. I asked his pediatrician about it, and she actually laughed at me. Finn is just under 25 lbs. so I guess I have nothing to worry about. But, still...I worry. Comes with the territory, right? In any case, I have found a way, albeit a kind of strange way, to make him sit and eat. You see, if I put a cartoon on and let him watch while he eats, he unknowningly puts that food away like no ones' business. I know little ones aren't supposed to watch too much TV, but as a way to get Finn to get enough to eat every day, I am making a small exception.
I love this house. I can't wait to decorate it for my favorite holiday this year. I will have to have Luke with me when I go to get the decor because if not, I will spend far too much and go far too crazy, just like I did with Finn's birthday. The house is going to look incredible all festive and decked out. I love Christmas and all the good, calm, loving feelings it brings to my heart and those around me. Last Christmas, Finn was 2 months old; this year, he will be 14 months old and I can't wait to see him show more excitement and love for this holiday as I do. When I put on Christmas music, (which is every day since Halloween, ha), he smiles big and dances a little. I knew he would love the season as much as me! I can't wait until Santa gets to "visit" our house! :)
Finn seriously rocks; he the coolest kid I know. He is so gorgeous, but is also so laidback, happy and chill. I think, though he does show a bit of a Mitchell temper once in awhile, that he is going to have my relaxed personna, (hopefully not mine or Luke's occassional flare for drama, lol.) I really love being a SAHM. I do miss the adult interaction that you get working outside of the home; but, I think about all the things I would miss if I had to leave Finn every day and I'm so glad I have the opportunity to see those milestones and little quirks.
 I'm so grateful to Luke, for working so hard so that I CAN stay home and still have money in the bank. It takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work on his part. I wish people could see how much he has grown, changed and developed in the last 5 years. He is strong, smart, sensitive, romantic, hard working, giving, sarcastic, funny, and an amazing father and husband. Some don't give him that opportunity and they are missing out big time! :)
As for Finn's upcoming diagnosis, I am glad thankful for the support, encouragement and good thoughts from all of our friends, family and loved ones. Finn is very lucky to have so many that love and care for him. Have an amazing weekend, everyone! I love you all so much! :)

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