Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update on "The Man"

Hey all! Just a quick update on Finn. He will be 6 months on the 10 of April, and is getting SO huge. We won't know what he weighs or how tall he is until his 6 month well check in a couple weeks, but my estimation and guess is: 19.6lbs, and 29inches. We will see if I am right! Here are some facts about the man: 1. He has such a personality, and is becoming quite the flirt. 2.He smiles pretty much 24/7, EXCEPT when he is really tired. Then, he becomes a big monster! 3. He is still eating all the time, and is still sleeping with me, although we have graduated from the couch to the bed with Luke. 4. He wakes up only once a night now , and just to eat and have his diaper changed. 5. He is terrified of super loud noises; I have to hold him when I vacuum and he keeps a death grip on my arm and shoulder. I am trying to break him of that, though. Breaks my heart to see that terrified look on his face. 6. He grunts, flexes his arms and shakes when he wants my attention. I know I shouldn't encourage it, but it's hilarious. 7. He talks, (or should I say 'blabs"), and laughs ALL the time. I have a feeling he is going to be a happy, bouncy, "all over the place" toddler. :) 8. He sighs and moans while he sleeps. It's become a lullaby to me. HA. 9. He loves to be held, and I have to catch him in the right mood in order for him to be happy to be on the floor for tummy time. 10. He rolls all over the place and does what I call "the worm" in order to get around. 11. He is doing a push up style stance and puts his knees under his tummy. No crawling forward yet! 12. He is a huge daddy's boy. He will love on me all day, and as soon as Luke comes home from work, I no longer exist. It's adorable, if not a little saddening for me. :) In other areas, Luke and I found a large, new and completely fabulous house and we are now in escrow. We are just waiting for the loan to go through and then the keys will be in our hands! I am so tense and nervous and ready for it to be ours. Have a good night all! :)

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