Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good Mornin' To Ya...

Well, Good Morning world! Well, Finn and I have been up since 7am but the wonderful boy fell back asleep from 8am until 10am so I was able to get a couple more hours. He's so good to me. Now, he is sitting all warm in my lap, hiccuping and playing with his favorite toy-my cell phone. Oh, heavenly.

What was the point of this post? Just a little update about the Mitchells before it's back to being insanely busy, (which I love!) Finn is healthy, happy bouncing 20lb, 28 1/2inches baby. I saw the post with my prediction and I was really close. I DO hold him all day and all night so I guess I would be the one to judge his size correctly. Tomorrow, he is getting a new car seat- one that I will get in a neutral color since we will be having more and these car seats are spendy! :)

Finn is a crawler! A tentative one, but one nonetheless. He also can sit up on his own, and loves to copy whatever Luke and I do; it is hilarious and so much fun! He laughs ALL the time, and cannot help but smile; I mean, literally CANNOT help it. He smiles through his tears if someone does or says something funny. I love that he is a happy, relaxed baby but I have been told multiple times that if the first one is a happy baby, #2 will be...a hellraiser. We will see if that urban legend holds true, (and when I say "we will see", I don't mean soon. I mean, when Luke and I decided to TTC #2. Just to clarify, I am NOT pregnant.)

In house news, we have officially been approved and will be signing loan documents, the title papers, getting our keys and closing the sale probably by the end of next week! 3 weeks before our official closing deadline! WOOT! We have already started packing and have so much to do that we can't start doing until the keys are in our hands, so we are getting a little impatient and want to get this show on the road!!! Speaking of impatient, Finn is talking, spitting on my arm and showing signs we would like out of my lap and on the floor for some tummy time/crawling practice. So, off we go! Have a great day, everyone! :)

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