Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The saga continues...

I finally got a phone call from Finn's pediatrician. One of the two blood tests they did, (testing his caryotides level), came back normal. This means, (I'm pretty sure), that there were no malformations or abnormalities in his DNA strands. The other, more extensive test, is still in a lab in Minnesota, ready and waiting to be tested. Finn's insurance approved us seeing Dr. Shwari, (sp?), at Sutter Medical Center in Sacramento and sent the orders to them at 4:00 pm today. At 5:00 pm, Sutter called me and scheduled an appointment for January 9th, 2012, (my dear Kristina's 24th birthday!) We will be seeing this geneticist to get an official diagnosis, an understanding of what it is exactly, and will ask whether any of our subsequent children have a chance of having it. It's really a minor condition, and nothing like what some children and parents go through, but anything negatively affecting Mr. Finnegan, kills me inside. He is on track with everything developmentally, cognitively and mentally. He is walking, running, talking a little, and is as sharp as a tack.
Tonight, I burned myself on the stove and told Finn. Then, I put my finger in front of him and said, "If you kiss it, it will feel all better." He promptly grabbed my hand, and kissed my finger. Then, and I kid you not, he raised one eyebrow at me expectantly. I said loudly, "Mommy is all better! Thank you, baby!" He smiled and went about his business. Such a regal, mature young fellow. I pray for him day and night, that he will be strong, happy, love his Heavenly Father and make the right decisions. I worry that he will one day be teased by other boys that his chest looks different than everyone elses'. I expressed that feeling to Luke and he said, "Are you kidding me? He's going to be the tallest, best looking kid in California. He is going to have NO problems with that." But, just to make me feel better, we looked up and found stories and pictures of professional athletes and bodybuilders with Polands' Syndrome. It made us both feel at ease.
In any case, we have finally made some headway on this thing, and I will update as much as I can on this 'saga." Love you all!


  1. OMG! Great news sister! I love the story about Finn kissing your finger :) I was reading this out loud for mom and dad, and I had to pause and say, "Oh! Cute!!!" lol

  2. I wrote a very long long not one this, but this darn thing erased it. Oh well :(.For the shorter version, you two are great parents, and this condition only makes Finn more special and unique. Be strong, for you have each other and family. Miss you guys.

  3. Glad you're feeling better about all of this!
