Friday, September 9, 2011

Lots to do!!!!

Finn is napping, so in between laundry, sweeping and other basic household duties, I have decided to post an entry in this blog of mine. It's Sept. 9th. Finn will be 11 months old tomorrow. We have so much to do to prepare not only for his sure-to-be-epic first birthday, but for this coming "winter" as well. I put the season in quotes because a Red Bluff winter include a high of 65, a low of 40 and lots and lots of rain. Not the below freezing, icy, snowy winters that I am used to.

Anyhow, since I have become a wife, mother and now new homeowner, I have become an OCD, uber-organized psycho who must have everything clean and in its' place. We still need to finish spackling, sanding, texturizing, etching and painting over the little holes the previous owners left behind; we still need to weed eat, level and seed our completely unfinished backyard. We need to shampoo and clean the front room's carpet, (it looked fabulous until we started walking on it. Then, stains from the previous owners popped up. Now, it looks gnarly.) Oh, yeah. And then, there is the ever apparent eye sore known as our bent up garage door. All in good time. Or, otherwise...all in the month before Finn's birthday! :)

I feel so blessed, and so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me this life. I know statements like that can come off as bragging, or self righteous. But, I must say it when I feel it. And today...I feel it! :) Have a good weekend everyone, and I love you all! :)

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