Monday, September 12, 2011

Putting thoughts into writing! :)

Why is it that housework never ends? Is it because I live with two boys? Or is it because Luke, Finn and I actually have to, I don't Whatever it is, I wish the floor would stay clean, the dishes would stay in the cupboards, the bed would made, the clothes would stay washed, folded and hung up and the toys would stay in the basket. Well, to be honest, I don't mind cleaning that much. I guess it's the stereotypical thing to whine about, isn't it? If I had to whine about something, it would be living too far away from my family. Other than that, life is pretty darn amazing. I saw on a friends' blog, (she has a little one a day older than Finn), a few days ago that had an entry that was just about her. I really liked that idea, since we mamas/wives sometimes feel a little lost in the chaos. I am now going to steal her idea, (but giving her credit for thinking it up, of course! :))

All about Liz

1. I miss Oregon a lot. I miss the 4 distinct seasons, the familiarity of the town and, of course, the people I left behind.

2. I don't have many friends here in CA. That being said, I do have a couple that I adore and that really are amazing people. But, I do miss my old friends, back in the simpler days: high school, then college, then summers where we would go out and just talk about life and all it has to offer. Good times!

3. I am in such a different place than ALL of my old friends. We all are doing great, but we all are doing such different things.

4. I used to be a disorganized money spender who was always flying by the seat of my pants. Being married, having a baby and being a one income family with a mortgage has turned me into this super organized, super anal and incredibly efficient housekeeper/financial organizer. Since I am in charge of our finances, I keep track of every cent that goes out. And, it has helped our financial situation immensely. It's a grest source of pride for me now.

5. Though I am still lacking in the self confidence area, it has been much improved by my amazing husband, Luke. He really has been my rock in so many situations.

6. Though pregnancy was not fun for me, (besides feeling Finn move, I could have done without most everything else), and labor SUCKED!, I am ready for #2. I want Finn to have a playmate, and Luke and I are ready to give love to another one of our babies that is waiting for us in the pre-existence. We decided that when we felt like our family was complete, we would be done with having kids. We don't feel complete yet.

7. I need to lose a lot of weight. I typed how much, but erased it. I guess I'm just too self conscious!

8. I am proud to be 6'3''. There were definitely stages of my life where I hated it, (people aka men can be pretty cruel), but I have learned to embrace it. In fact, there are advantages I have that shorter people don't. :)

9. I am still a corny, romantic sap who believes in happily ever after. But, watching romantic movies doesn't do anything for me anymore. Maybe because my happily ever after happily came true! :)

10. I am a very passive pushover and I always want to please everyone. I am slowly learning that, though  that is impossible, I am the type to try until I find a way to make EVERYONE happy.

11. I have always been a worry wart, but Finn has made me a bit of a psycho. Now that he is a proficient crawler and a tentative walker, he bumps some part of his body, (usually his head), almost daily. And, almost daily, I have to talk myself down from thinking every little bump and scratch isn't life threatening. Sometimes, logic wins. Most of the time, it doesn't.

That is all! Well, obviously that is not all of ME, but since Finn is napping, I am thinking some laundry, bed making, and painting seems in order. Have an amazing week everyone, and I love you all! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're too cute. Motherhood can really change a person huh? Finn is just darling.
