Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1,000,000 dollars!

So, I love the smoothies at McDonalds: specifically, the strawberry banana one. Yum. And, I confess...I love the $3 dollar mini meals there, too. Especially when I am running a million errands and need something small, but quick to satisfy my growling tummy. In any case, they are now doing their annual Monopoly game. I have a bunch of them that I am keeping together so that I might win something. If you get Park Place and Boardwalk together, you win a whopping million dollars. As I was driving away after getting my smoothie and discovering this little bit of information, I started to ponder about what I would get if I miraculously won that 1,000,000 dollars, (and believe me, I am going to try my darndest to win that money!) I have my "adult" list, (which will inevitably win out!), and my "I'm still a kid" list. Here is the adult list:

Pay off the house
Fix the garage door
Hire a landscaper to design and execute the backyard
Hire an interior designer to design and decorate the house
Hire a construction co. to add another level and more bedrooms to the house
Give each family member some of the money
Buy a Nissan Armada
Save the rest for kids' colleges/missions
Get 10 years worth of food storage

And here is the "kid" list:

Take entire family, extended as well, on a two week vacation to Disneyland
Travel the world
Shopping spree for me, Luke and my babies
Buy lots of "toys", (boat, mobile home, motorcycle., 1964 Impala for Luke, jewelry, etc.)
Give each family member some of the money

Man, I really wish sometimes that this could all be possible. Not having to worry about bills, being able to enjoy the good and exciting things in life, as opposed to Luke having to slave away every day just to make sure we are secure, (not that I'm not eternally grateful to him for working his tail off, because I most certainly am!); he doesn't get to enjoy the fun things as much as he deserves. Ok, I am off to enjoy the day with my little man. Happy Tuesday! :)
Go on shopping spree for

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