Sunday, December 11, 2011


Trying To Conceive,(for those who didn't know what that acronym meant.) Luke and I have been TTC a little brother or sister for Finn since the beginning of November. We still aren't pregnant. I know, I know. Really, Liz? Still not pregnant after trying for a month? Call the Fertility Specialist! Ok, that was all sarcastic. I know I shouldn't worry because it has only been a month, but I am. Maybe because Finn was conceived the moment we talked about having a baby. Just like that. Boom. 6 weeks later, and I got a "Pregnant" on my home pregnancy test. I remember falling on the toilet, bawling. I called Luke, who was at a Cardiologist appointment and said, "I know you said to wait and take a test, but I already took one, (enter Luke's knowing sigh), and it was...positive. You're going to be a daddy!"
I can't wait to tell Luke that he is going to be a dad two times over. I can't wait to tell Finn he is going to be a big brother to Charlotte or Dietrich. I can't wait for my belly to be big, hard and round, (not the big, soft, blubbery tummy that was Finn's departing gift as he came into the world.) I can't wait to feel him/her kicking and rolling around; that was my favorite part of being pregnant with Finn. Luke and I still feel like our family is not complete just yet, and seeing Finn play with other kids with such excitement and joy just makes us realize that Finn would greatly benefit from having a live-in best friend/brother/sister. I can't wait to tell my mom, dad, sisters, brothers, neice, brother-in-laws, nephews, and sister-in-laws that the Mitchell clan, CA branch, will be expanding their family once more.
I haven't had this "fever' since...well, since Finn was still a spirit in Heaven, waiting for his mom and dad to decide to build a family. Since Finn was born, my life has been him. Which I love, by the way. But, while Finn was napping one day, I began to watch the videos I had taken of my tummy making weird shapes and Finn's butt sticking out against my skin. Then...the fever began. And it's only gotten worse. Now, it's full on hot!
I must cut this post short; Finn is throwing his food on the floor. Have a great week everyone, and I love you all! :)

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