Thursday, September 1, 2011

Captain Finn!

My little man is growing up and hitting a lot of milestones all at once! When it rains, it pours! Here is a list of all my little man is up to these days!

1. He is standing all by himself. Not holding on to the tables, the couches, nothing! The first time he did it, I screamed "Good job!" and it scared him so bad, he fell. :)

2. He has taken two steps on two different occassions. Once again...I got so excited, it freaked him out and he fell. Whoops. I guess subtlety is the answer here.

3. He whistles. I thought he wouldn't be old enough to know he was doing it, until I did it back to him. Now, he shapes those full lips, and whistles just so I will do it back. It's one of his favorite things to do.

4. He kisses. Open mouthed and very slobbery-like, but if you hold him, pucker up and say, "kiss!" He will lean forward and put a big, sloppy, wet one right on your kisser. Thus far, he will only kiss me, Luke, and my mom. If you ever want one, though, just ask and I'm sure the little flirt will oblige. :)

5. He knows when he is about to do something wrong. If he is going for something he shouldn't, and I say "Finnegan Leo Mitchell..." in that "mom" voice, you better believe I will get a side smile and then a speed crawler towards the above said off limits object. If he gets a scolding, he growls but listens. I have only ever had to tell him once...maybe twice. ;)

6. He is TALL and LANKY. I swear his face looks like a mirror image of Luke, (besides the eyes; those are from me!), but his frame is sure to be a Stuevens frame. I am thinking a Mitchell face with a Stuevens physique.

7. Though he is still sleeping with Luke and I, we have at least graduated to him sleeping OFF of me. Now, he sprawls out on his tummy between Luke and I and sleeps the night away...he still wakes up at least twice though. His favorite place to nap is on the floor on one of his two favorite blankets.

8. He is good natured and so laidback. When playing with other babies, he shares, loves and doesn't complain when I am holding another baby. It's a blessing and will be nice to know when #2 comes along, I won't have to worry about a jealous Finn. At least, let's hope so!

That is all for now! Happy Labor Day Weekend to all! Love you all! :)

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