Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's been so long...

It's been so long since I updated this blog and since Finn is taking a nap, I figured now was as good a time as any. Here goes:

2010 was an amazing year for Luke and I. Luke was promoted at work again, and was able to use his aggressive nature to negotiate a raise of sorts. We found out January 23rd that I was 6 weeks pregnant. The first ultrasound picture was a black hole, the babies "home" as our OB/GYN put it. We had another ultrasound at 9 weeks, where we saw a little gummy bear. Throughout the pregnancy we were able to see our little gummy bear many times. Because Luke has a heart condition, they monitored our little one's heart growth. Happy to say, his heart is fabulous. I was fortunate enough to stay at home throughout my pregnancy, which was truly a blessing, especially during the morning sickness phase and the end of my pregnancy where I was an enormous belly with arms and legs. At 18 weeks, we found out that our little gummy bear was a boy. We were both thrilled, although I was a little nervous, considering I had no experience taking care of little boys. Though he was 2 weeks late, (read the birth story if you so wish), Finn was born on 10/10/10 and is truly a perfect 10. He is the best thing that has ever happened to both of us, and though having a little one is a 24/7, sometimes exhausting job, it is our happiness and pleasure to raise this blessing from our Heavenly Father.
Finn is growing like crazy; he is our little chunky monkey. I took him to the doctor on Monday for congestion, (he isn't sick, just dry air), and he weighs 16lbs 8oz. His pedicatrician said he is growing rapidly, but at a good pace and is not too chubby, (he is a little over 27 inches long). She is estimating he will be about 6'6'' when he is fully grown. I think it will be hilarious to see 5'11'' Luke discipline our giant son when he is a teenager, (although Luke's personality is 6'6'' so he shouldn't have a problem.)
We are trying to get Finn used to sleeping in his crib, since he has been sleeping in my arms on my chest since we brought him home. My back and knees are starting to feel it, and Finn is getting so big, we are both having problems getting adequate rest. In addition, Luke is getting a little lonely by himself and would like me to be back with him. :)
Luke and I are stronger than ever in our marriage. We have such a fun and relaxing time together, and are so excited September 2011 will mark our second wedding anniversary. I feel so blessed every day to be married to such a hard working, handsome devil of a man. He is such an incredible father and husband; Finn and I both light up when he comes from work every night.
Well, that is all for now. I usually do my little thing with the colors for words I want to stand out, but Finn is calling for his mama so today is just boring black font. Have a great week everyone! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. so happy to hear an update! glad things are going well.
