Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can it be true????!!!!

As I sit here typing, Finn is at this moment, sound asleep in his CRIB. I never thought this day would come. When he came home from the hospital, I was terrified of SIDS; terrified that putting him in his crib would instantly steal his breathe and I would lose my little love. So, he slept on me. I could feel his chest rise, hear his little sighs, feel the air coming out of his nose onto my skin. It was my security blanket. Then, as he got older, and started to sleep in bed with Luke and I, that became what he was used to. Every time I even attempted to put him in the air, he would scream and throw his head back and reach for me. It broke my heart, and I couldn't do it. Luke tried the Cry-It-Out technique. It broke his heart; he couldn't bear to hear his son scream and cry. So, back to our bed Finn went.

Then, Luke and I started talking about getting pregnant again. We want our children to be as close to each other as possible, and be done having kids at a fairly early age, (if all goes our way, I will be done at 32.) But, our dilemma was this: we have a  queen bed. When I was pregnant with Finn, Luke was terrified he would hit my belly while he was sleeping. So, he took to sleep as far off in his corner as possible. Later on, he had no choice but to sleep on the edge of the bed, (did you guys SEE my belly????!!!!) We couldn't imagine Luke, me, Finn and baby #2, (still in womb), all in our bed. None of us would sleep, and we all need to: Luke has to sleep in order to function at his high stress job; I have to sleep in order to function and be happy mommy to my up and coming toddler; Finn needs sleep to grow; and little Sesame Numero Dos needs sleep to turn into a cute baby as opposed to an alien-like creature, (I keed, I keed.) Anyhow, it became very apparent that Finn needed to sleep in his own bed, and not with mama and daddy.

When we bought our house, our favorite room was the Master Bedroom. People, I don't kid when I say that our bedroom is HUGE. I personally would have used this space for other parts of the house, but it is nice to have tons of space in our room. Anyhow, we put Finn's crib in far corner of the bedroom so I could feel better about him sleeping away from me, (I have separation anxiety BAD), but also so he could see us. Well, apparently he still was not close enough to us. So my brilliant husband had the brilliant idea to smash the crib right next to my side of the bed so that he could see me up close, hold my hand if he needed to and even give kisses through the crib posts, (he loves giving mama and daddy kisses.)

We tried it out for the first time last night. I was FLOORED. He played around a bit, smiled thru the posts, promptly laid down, rolled around a bit to get comfortable and fell asleep...just like that. Not only that, but he only woke up a few times and it was just to give a little whiny sound, hold my hand to make sure I hadn't left him and he went right back to sleep. He slept until 6:30, then stood up and reached for me. I confess: he did go back to sleep in my arms for about an hour, but I needed to snuggle as much as he did. Luke and I gave each other high fives before Luke was off to work, (looking much more rested, I must say.) I probably slept less than I normally do, but only because I was putting my hand on Finn's back/tummy every couple know, just to make absolutely sure my little man was safe and sound. I thought it was too good to be true, but at nap time, (about an hour ago), I put him in with his favorite blankie, (just laying on his legs), and he rolled around a bit, smiled at me and went to sleep! I'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is, I don't want it to stop.

Basically, this entire blog has been about Finn's crib. But, I feel such a weight off my shoulders. It was one thing I have been struggling to find answers to, basically since Finn was born. I also feel relieved because now, when I am a round, pregnant blimp again, I don't have to worry about whether any of us will sleep that night. Now, it will just be back to puking, heartburn, headaches, hormone jumps and dives and stretching muscles. Wait- why do I wan to get pregnant again? Oh, because of the kicks, rolls, bonding time and cute prego belly that eventually becomes another gorgeous baby that is pieces of the love of my life and I. And, Finn will be a big brother!!!

Awwwwwwwww......feeling proud and happy today. Have a great weekend, all! Love you! :)

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