Friday, December 2, 2011

Blast from the past...

I have an old blog that was made in May 2008 when Luke and I first started dating. I found an entry about Luke that I love and so I am reposting it here. Everything said then still holds true for me now. :)

So...for the first time in my entire life, I am experiencing love! It's crazy, mind altering and so incredibly wonderful! It's ethereal, insane, scary as all get out and one of most amazing experiences a human being can encounter. I didn't know it was coming; it happened when I least expected it and it totally caught me off guard. I was looking for it for two years, and couldn't find it. I got tired of looking and decided it wasn't worth it anymore. That's when it came from the last place I thought to look. I thought I was always going to meet someone in college, someone I didn't know growing up. Lo and behold, I find myself being pursued by someone whom I have known for an entire decade. Someone whom I was crushing on for my entire teen years; someone who was too cool, too good looking for me. Then, all of a sudden, the tables turned. He was pursuing me; he was crushing on me and being the stubborn, relentless man he is, I finally decided to give him a chance. That was the best decision I have ever made; the scariest and the most unorthodox decision, yes, but the best. I was taking a huge chance on this man; he was WAY different than when he was in high school; more serious, more experienced with life and a lot tougher. But, there was something else that I didn't get to see until I became his girlfriend; this incredible caring, sweet, romantic, amazing, genuine side that I instantly found myself thanking my Heavenly Father every five seconds for bringing him into my life. His kindness, his way of making me feel like I am the only person that matters. I mean the world to him; he loves every part of me, inside and out. What did I do to deserve this incredible person deciding to love me with his whole heart? Me? I still don't understand it sometimes. I am no one special, but he thinks I am the most special. Why? He has told me and they are legitimate, wonderful reasons. Still, he amazes me every second...In conclusion, I am in love. I love him with every piece of me. I have finally found my knight in shining armour. My hopeless romantic fantasies that everyone told me can't come true, have come true! I know he is not perfect, nor am I. I know we will eventually fight and get annoyed with each other and yell and argue. But...I can't think of anyone I would rather fight with, annoy the heck out of, and argue with than him.

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