Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Got the fever...

Finn will be a one year old in 13 days. Oy. I can't believe it. The year has seriously FLOWN by. He went from being a cute, squished face chunk who couldn't move or lift his head to a tall, lanky crawling machine who now tentatively walks and says "mama" and "dada." I see my friends having their second babies, and with Finn growing so much and becoming a little boy as opposed to a little baby, I find myself coming down with the fever...the baby fever. Luke and I knew, (as long as we could afford to, of course), that we wanted our kids about two years apart; close enough in age so they could be potentially close, close enough in age so that Luke and I were ancient when we were done having kids, and close enough but not too close as to overwhelm us, (too many babies!!!!) Luke and I will be TTC in November, and I can't wait. Finn needs someone to play with besides his boring, old mama! And I love being a mama. I still feel like Luke and I have lots of love to still give, (though it is hard to imagine loving another baby as much as we love Captain Finn.) Anyhow, I was thinking about baby Dietrich or baby Charlotte today, and just needed to "put it on paper", so to speak. Happy Tuesday, all! :)

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