Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's been a LONG time...

Hello world! It's been awhile since I updated this thing-a-ma-jig so here we go! Just really quick because Finn moves a mile a minute and I have to keep an eye on him 24/7. Yes, Finn is 9 months old, and super mobile! He started crawling at about 6 months, but was doing the army crawl thing. At about 7 months, he started propping up on his knees and hands and now he is crawling so quickly that I can't sit down. I love it, though!
He started pulling himself into a standing position at about 7 1/2 months and now he is walking, (assisted by me, Luke or the couch, of course.) I think he will be walking in the next month or so now. He is always happy, and laughs so much. He is just a relaxed, content and loving little man. He is tall, lanky and has a super strong personality. Just now, he used my legs to stand up and is now trying to type along with his mama. He hasn't been sick or needed to go to the doctor, besides one little trip to the ER, (he was choking on something so badly, he was turning blue but "mama instinct" kicked in and I knocked it out of his throat. I took him to the hospital, just to be safe and since he was flirting with the nurses and the female MD, the consensus was he was fine, and he was.) Anyhow, I am putting up a list at the end of this blog of all of his "baby accomplishments" so that I can have it written down somewhere.
Real quickly, I don't know who actually reads this, but I was having a moment for all the other mamas and papas that have babies at or around Finn's age. So here's a shout out to:

Ruben and Shawntay: Proud parents of Eden!!! :)

Joe Peter and Chelsey: Proud parents of Oliver!!! :)

Jake and Kimberly: Proud parents of Isabelle!!! :)

Alan and Cassie: Proud parents of Noah and Elexis!!!! :)

Josh and Susan: Proud parents of Ginny!!! :)

Jeff and Marie: Proud parents of Lottie!!! :)

Lots of babies for Finn to chill with, (although some are a ways away from us...oh well. LOL)

Finn's Accomplishments:

Lifted head: 3 weeks

Smiled: I swear at birth, but truly at 1 month

Rolled: 2 months

Sitting at: 4 months

Army crawling: 4 months

Crawling: 6 months

Standing: 7 1/2 months

Have an amazing weekend, everyone! I love you all! :)

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