Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update and the discussion of a "moral compass"

So, first things first. Update on my wee little lad, Finn. He is kicking and punching and moving SO much, and I love it. Love it, love it, love it. I know, you can tell I love it. When he is quiet, I rub my tummy and lightly poke it so he moves. I am probably driving him absolutely crazy since he is most likely trying to get some sleep, but I love watching my tummy move and I love that he is doing great in there. I actually finally have a little faith that my body is doing what it is supposed to be doing. I was worried last week; so much so, that I went back to the OB's office two days after my appointment to make sure some symptoms weren't super bad ones. Turns out I have a mild case of Symphosis Pubis Dysfunction; a fancy way of saying my pubic bone sometimes feels like it is going to split in half. It hurts fairly bad, but it's not preterm labor and Finn doesn't notice it. As long as he is okay, bring the pain! I can take it! I can take anything so this little man of mine will be healthy and safe! Anyhow, he is doing well and I have only three more days until I am officially in the third trimester!!! WOOT!
Next. There is this website I was introduced to while watching a newscast about moms cyber bullying other moms. Seriously? How old are we, ladies? But, anyhow, I looked up this website and became mildly addicted. It was interesting to read what other women went through on a daily basis and what their opinions were, even if they differed from my own. But, holy hannah! Some of those women downright astonished me. Basically, people who have a moral compass, who try to live life correctly, lawfully, are FAITHFUL to their spouses and who don't believe what society tells us is OK necessarily means it's OK, are considered close minded, rigid "prudes". WHAT???!!! I didn't know I was a close minded, rigid prude, but thanks for letting me know! *Insert immense sarcasm* How can living your life drug/alcohol free, not being intimate with my husband before we were married, and believing in being faithful to that man mean I am not living my life correctly? So, I should get drunk, smoke some dope and cheat on Luke? That will make me happy? What about the fact that I have never been happier in my life than now? What about the fact that I have personally seen people live their life in this "free" manner, and they are miserable, alone and I feel horrible for them? I have always lived my life constantly trying to better myself and though I have MANY flaws, I don't think me being moral is one of them.
Yes, I am conservative. Yes, I am a Republican. Yes, I am religious. No, I am not ASHAMED of it. It goes both ways. People who are "free" and live their life with no thought of the consequences judge me because I live with a code of honor and am "old fashioned." Yet, they contantly whine in the media that people like me are judging them. It's a double edged sword, I guess, but in my opinion- this world has started to crumble as soon as we started becoming "modern" and adopting the "live without responsibilities" attitude. Oy. It frustrates me to no end. If people lived with the conscious realization that there are consequences to every action, we wouldn't have abortion, wars, hate, racism, divorce. Now, don't get me wrong. I know there are extenuating circumstances to everything. Divorce can happen due to abuse or infidelity. But, you are divorced because "he/she just isn't the same person"? Counseling people! At least TRY!
Or abortion. Oh, man what a HOT topic for me. I did research on abortion for a speech class and I found that less than 2% of abortions are results of rape. The other 98-99% is because it was inconvenient for the person, didn't fit their lifestyle, they didn't want to lose their figure...BLA, BLA, BLA. There are millions of couples out there that are dying to adopt since they can't have their own. And, you are going to kill a baby because you'll get "fat?" Are you freaking kidding me???!!!! I will listen to other people's opinion when it comes to pretty much anything because I respect that differing opinions are what makes the world go round, but as soon as someone brings up abortion, I stop them. Don't even attempt to tell me why it is OK, but because in no way, shape or form is it OK in my eyes. And it NEVER will be. (On a side note, did you know if a drunk driver killed a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, he would be charged with a double homicide? Even if that same pregnant woman was on her way to an abortion clinic? Interesting.)
Ok, I think I got all that off my chest. Phew. Thanks for listening, reading, whatever. If anyone disagrees with me on anything, (but the abortion topic, of course), I commend you for having your own opinion and beliefs. More power to ya! Thanks everyone and I hope all your summers are going super well!

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