Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Braxton Hicks...sounds like a country band."-My little sister, KK...

I had my 26 week check up today. My in-laws, Annie and Harry, came down yesterday to be there for the appointment so they could see little Finn in action and on screen. They bought us the exact stroller/car seat combination that I had wanted, color and all. I love it, and this morning, while waiting for Luke to finish getting ready, I played with it, admired and imagined walking around with Finn in his preppy, cute stroller.
Last night, my in-laws bought us dinner, and this morning they took us out to breakfast before our OB appointment. I was having my glucose screening test done that morning so I was allowed eggs, potatoes and toast...which is exactly what I ate. it was pleasantly filling, and I was amused that Luke, Annie and Harry all got to watch while I downed the Kool-Aid tasting "Glucola". People who say it the worst thing ever are exagerrating, in my eyes. It was not that bad at all; obviously not something I want the recipe for, but I was fully prepared to start gagging and choking it down. You get 10 minutes to down it, and I finished in 3. Anyhow, they took my blood, but they don't have the results yet so I am waiting. I very highly doubt I have gestational diabetes though. I don't really have any symptoms of it, but we shall see.
Anyhow, starting Saturday night, I began having cramps that were uncomfortable, but not unbareable. I was also having tons of round ligament pain so I thought the cramping could just be an extension of that. It still didn't go away so this morning, I asked the doc about them. He told me they are most likely Braxton Hicks a.k.a. practice contractions. That relieved me, but I didn't get to ask half the questions I wanted because my in-laws were in there with us and some of the questions were semi-personal. Anyhow, after we got home, Luke changed and went straight to work. I ate some chicken fried rice, peed for the 1,000,000 time and laid down. I was still having those darn cramps. I am awake and have done some laundry and made the bed, and I am not feeling cramps so I am happy right now. I can feel the muscles stretching, but no cramping. I still worry, though. I have symptoms that I THINK are normal, but are they? When does maternal instinct kick in? If I think something might be wrong, even if the ultrasound was fine, the baby was moving, fluid was a-plenty and my cervix was closed, does that justify calling or going to the doctor? What if I have an undiagnosed UTI? Or something else that can hurt Finn? Being pregnant is such a chore, and I don't mean the physical part. Yeah sure, back pain STINKS and my ever growing belly is really starting to get in the way, but this mental mind games thing that I do to myself is exhausting and kinda terrible. Oy. I guess I will have to pray that Heavenly Father helps me out and makes sure this pregnancy goes as planned and doesn't go awry. Phooey.

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