Thursday, June 17, 2010

My dreams of being the SAHM!

I am an optimist. A major idealist. My head is always in the clouds, and I have never ending hope that all will turn out ok. Not that I'm not a worry wart, (because I really am), but I always tell my realistic husband, mother and sisters that they shouldn't worry and to just relax, (I am usually quietly flipping out inside). But, to tell you the truth, things do always work out. Maybe not exactly the way we planned, but I still believe that there are a lot of great things happening in this world. I am also religious; I know God has a plan for us all, and He is watching out for us. Horrible things happen and we hear about them daily, (thank you for nothing, media), but what we don't hear are all the amazing and wonderful things happening. Ok, back to my original thought process for this post. I find myself fantasizing about all the things Finn and I are going to do when he comes. I want to put them down on paper...or on my blog. Whatever, I wanna log them somewhere! This blog is for him and his future siblings after all!
I cannot wait to get up with him in the morning and feel his warmth and softness and have him cuddle up to me. Luke says he is going to wake him up every morning before he goes to work so he can see him a bit, but I don't think that's going to happen! If he is already awake, more power to ya! If not, leave him be so I can sleep a bit. I think Luke was teasing, but he is hard to read sometimes. But, babies when they first wake up are a Godsend. I babysat three kids every day, all day for about 5 months after I graduated high school, and one was 3 months old. I LOVED being there when she woke up, having her reach out for me and cuddling her as I made her a bottle. Having a babies head on your shoulder is a feeling like nothing else. I cannot wait to do that for my own son.
I can't wait to leave him to be babysat and then have him beg for me as soon as I come back. I was the babysitter and the moms got to enjoy that when they came home; I can't wait for my turn. He will want only me or daddy, and that is something I am greatly looking forward to. I love feeling needed and this will only feed my addiction even more, (an odd way to say it, I know, but it gets the points across.)
I can't wait to take him to the store, and share my daily life with him. When he is an infant, a toddler, an adolescent, a teen and evenutally a man. I want him around; I want to hear about his life, his eventual experiences and friends, and his inevitable intelligence, (I already know I am going to have a very intelligent kid. There are many forms of intelligence, by the way.)
I can't wait to take him to see my family. My mother, father, sisters, brother in laws, and my super amazing niece, who is more like a sister than a niece in any case. My mom is SO excited he is coming, and I can't wait for him to meet her. She is going to be so excited, and I love seeing her happy. I love seeing my dad happy, too, but he shows it differently. Well, he shows it like a man; he will smile and maybe tear up a little, but he won't be bawling or cooing like crazy like my mom, mother-in-law and sisters will. I am excited for him to meet my mother-in-law, father-in-law, and his uncles and aunts on my husband's side, either. My sister-in-law/best friend has three boys of her own and she will rock at being an aunt to another boy. My other sister-in-law is a recent addition, (I guess it is technically just Luke's sister-in-law because she married his brother, but I claim her as well), but she is a sweetheart and I want Finn to know her, too. My two brother-in-laws are very good with kids, and have huge hearts. They are great guys. I can't wait for him to meet my grandmas, my aunts and uncles, my cousins and my friends. I can't wait for him to meet Luke's relatives and friends either. I have been very blessed with an amazing family on both sides, and I know Finn will benefit from that.
I can't wait to go on new adventures with Finn. Vacations, family trips, the park, the pool, playdates, walks, lemonade stands, school trips, all that stuff. AH! It will be so much fun, and I can't wait to be busy 24/7 with my boys, (Luke and Finn.) I know this is a role that I was supposed to have; I have wanted be a mother since I turned 20, (maybe not right that day, but I knew I was meant to be a wife and mother above all else) and it is all finally happening. WOOT.

(Disclaimer: For all you people out there that are thinking, "Wow. We will see how she feels when she is up at 2 am, feeding a crying baby." Or, "we'll see when he throws all his toys, throws a tantrum, or refuses to do as she says. She won't be singing the same tune then." I said I was an idealist, not an idiot. I know there will be times I want to rip my hair out. This, I KNOW. But, I choose to find the good in everything, not be hung up on the poopy stuff that happens. It's been my philosophy for as long as I can remember, and that won't change because I have become a mother. Thank you, and have a great day everyone!)

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