Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pop! Goes the husband!

This morning, I got up with Luke, made him the lunch I forgot to make last night, chatted with him while he got ready, kissed him goodbye and sent him on his way. He works so hard, it's ridiculous. It's one in the afternoon and our outside thermometer says it's 94 degrees. And, my baby has to work in that all day...with a smile on his face. Heaven only knows how much I truly appreciate him. He doesn't complain either; well, he will say "I'm tired" or tell me about something royally stupid that he had to deal with, but I honestly love listening to him tell me about his day. Because, I know he feels better afterwards, and I know he will ask me how my day was and actually listen. He always thanks me for taking such good care of him, and relaxing him after he has been at work for 12 hours. Welp, it's my pleasure! Thank YOU for going out in 100 degree heat, crawling into 150 degree attics and getting spiderwebs, insulation and rats all over you so that I can stay home, enjoy this pregnancy and eventually stay home with our son and give him 100% of his mother.
It's very important to both of us that I stay at home with our children. Luke is a firm believer that children thrive so well when they have at least one parent there 24/7 to raise them, love them, play with them and can be with them through all the stages of life, (not that working moms don't deserve a huge high five for what they do every day, either. I have amazing amounts of respect for them.) I do think, however, that Luke is a tad jealous that I will be able to see Finn and our future children all day, and he will only see them at night. He is VERY excited about being a father and I think it makes him sad that our kids could potentially be more attached to me than to him. But, that won't be the case. Luke has that special talent for making everyone open up and feel immediately comfortable with him, and I know he will accomplish that with Finn and the rest of the eventual family. It's a good thing, too, because it helps him LOADS at work. He has to go into homes, tell them things are wrong and get them to part with great deals of money. He does it honestly, too, and I can promise you that. He has repeat customers now that will specifically request him because they know he won't try to make them pay for something they don't need. Heavens, I love him.
Wow, you know this blog was going to be about what happened after he left for work, but my mind totally went off on a tangent. Oh, well. The "after sending Luke off to work" story is not that long. I crawled back into bed, closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Instead, Finn started jazzercising so I thought, "I will flip over to my other side and see if that relaxes him a bit." Instead, as I was doing my regular process for flipping to the other side, (heave the tummy to my back, then to my side; move the body pillow with me between my legs and under the tummy; correct the blankets that have been moved off my body from the "process"), my right hip completely popped out. I am not sure exactly what happened, but it felt like my femur was no longer in connection with my hip. Holy heck! I burst into little tears, and prayed for God to put whatever just popped out back. After kneading my hip and trying to resituate, I heard a POP! and my leg was back to normal. Too bad the residual pain left me awake for two more hours. Oh, well. I can walk now and things will get done. After I finish this blog...and write one more. Ha. (You know, it's funny. I hate blogging because I think it's strange, but I love writing in a diary and I am a much faster typer than I am a writer. Weird.)

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