Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My aversion to sugar, the elusive spider and TUMS

I am 25 weeks and 3 days. Only 2 weeks and 4 days left until I am officially in the third trimester. Last night, I looked in the mirror and my innie belly button is right at the surface; not popped out just yet, but it's at the same level as the rest of the skin covering my protuding belly. I also a bunch of blue lines all around my tummy; veins? How icky looking. I am jealous of the gals that don't get stretch marks, or varicose veins or...etc, etc, etc. But, I am the envy of their admirations because I got Finn; no, I am just kidding, but I am SO stinking grateful for Finn. I am so grateful that I am young and healthy and able to have a potentially large baby who moves more like he has ADHD already. I am grateful that I haven't had any weird or rude comments; well, besides yesterday: Odd Survey Dude- "Wow, you're so tall. Your husband must be even taller, you know, since you are pregnant." Me- "Uh, I didn't know I could only reproduce with fellow giants." But, to be honest, that didn't bug me. In fact, it pretty much made my day. I was laughing the whole drive home from Wal-Mart. When people touch my belly, it doesn't bother me either. Touch away; I am proud of my stretched out, protruding, extremely imposing belly. I love when Luke talks to my belly like Finn is already a 20 year old man. I wonder if that will last when Finn is out and looks so, well, like a baby. Will Luke all of the sudden start talking like "coochie-coo?" I doubt it, based on what I know about my husband, but we will see. I know he will be an amazing father, no matter how he tones his voice.
But, that whole paragraph has nothing to do with why I am writing this. Now, down to business. I have never been a fan of sugar, and Luke and my whole family know this. They know I would rather eat super salty snacks, rather than feast on donuts, candy or sugary drinks. I mean, I liked them sometimes but very rarely did I crave them. When I got pregnant, however and limped through the first trimester, (puking every day didn't really make me much of an eater), and gained my energy back in the second, I realized not only that sugary food sounded good, but ALL food sounded good. Then, I was woken to another weird pregnancy symptom, (they are ALL weird). Not only did milk make me super queasy, but sugar made me burp and shake like a leaf. My doctor said that sometimes pregnancy will end up changing your entire palate and taste for things. Suddenly, things I loved were no longer good. Things I didn't eat very often, I craved all the time. Pregnancy is SO strange. There, we covered the first topic. On to the next one.
There is this spider. Let's call him William, (that just popped into my head). I was introduced to him yesterday when I ever so innocently unlocked the deadbolt on my front door and felt a few little legs resting on my finger. Introducing himself, it looked like. "Hi, I'm a huge, disgusting black spider. I am the one whose webs you are constantly sweeping away with your brooom." I screamed, jumped back and he ran down the door and hid behind my TV stand. I searched for him, but didn't find him all day. This was the first time I was grateful that our bedroom door is too long and rubs the carpet; he can't get in my room! HA! This morning, I peeked out of our bedroom door, and lo and behold, there was William, chilling on my front door. Bugger. I grabbed Luke's flip flop, and because he saw me coming and probably realized I was NOT the friend he thought I was, he ran up into the crack at the top of the door and still has not come out. I know he didn't go out the other way, because I can still see him, napping or something. As soon as he pops back out, I am determined to win this battle. William, watch out. I don't make friends with huge, ugly spiders. Last subject.
I have become obsessed with TUMS. I didn't know this pre-pregnancy, (although, it is pretty obvious now that it's happening), but your expanding uterus pushes all your organs up and back and out of the way. I am not even fully grown yet, so I haven't had my lungs pushed against my ribs yet and become breathless, but my stomach has been pushed up closer and closer to my throat and this has caused a problem. I have had acid reflux before, but holy crap! Anything I eat, makes my stomach acid come surging up my throat. Insert *gross burp* and *burning pain in throat and chest*. So, I bought some TUMS that were tropical flavored and fell in love. The relief they produce is almost instanteous and it feels so good. Plus, they are full of calcium which is good for Finn. A win-win , in my book. Welp, I think I am done for now. Off to do dishes and try and kill William, then a dip in the pool in this 100 degree heat will do nicely. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. ew, i hate spiders! good luck killing william! lol we had a family of mice in our heating vents this past week, and i named all 5 of them, one by one, right before they were all trapped and disposed of..yes, there was mickey and minnie, mousey and stuart little, and then number 5. i ran out of cute names, sadly he was a baby too so he got to escape with his life. i felt bad for the little guy..but big black spiders have no chance in my house!!
