Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"To each his own, my love."

I totally made up that quote that is my title. I have no idea where it came from, but it fits what I am writing about today....well, sort of. I told Luke last night that I am going to write a book, have tons of fans fall in love with it, make it into a movie and then be rich from it so Luke can retire early and we can give our kids everything they always wanted. I actually think Luke would still want to work even if we did get rich that way, but that's his choice. Funny thing is, he didn't laugh at me or mock me. I said, "I have to think of something that is unique; I obviously can't write about vampires or loving creatures of the night, so what do I write about that will get people's interest?" And, you know what? He grabbed the computer, got on Wikipedia, and started looking up interesting topics he knew about that could be interesting to write into a book. He never fails to impress me. He was actually all for me writing a book; it's one of those aspirations that are hard to actually accomplish, but he didn't even acknowledge that. My wife said she wants to write a book; how can I help her accomplish that? Spoiled, blessed gal, I am and I know it. It makes me very happy to know that even though he is a realist whose motto is, "Plan for the worst, hope for the best", he tries to understand my "all is well" personality and chooses to embrace that part of me. I have tried to do the same with his personality as well. When he gets noticeably stressed about politics, work, finances or any high stress topic, I try to stay open minded and see that he needs to vent and weigh all choices before calming down and making things happen. I really don't mean to toot my own horn about my life, but through hard times and good times, I know that I am truly lucky that Luke wanted me to be his companion through life and for time and all eternity. I will never take him or my blessings for granted, either. Thank you, God!

1 comment:

  1. You should TOTALLY write a book! I would read it! Lol....and that's saying alot because I hate reading!
