Friday, August 20, 2010

To Do List

I have no idea why I am writing this in my blog; most likely because I am pretty sure no one reads this. That is fine with me, though; I consider this more of an online journal than anything. So, anyhow...I am up very early this morning. Luke got up at 6:30 am, (his only day to sleep in an extra half hour), and I got up with him.
Yesterday was Luke's birthday! He turned 25. I am so proud of him and wanted to do something extra special for him so I bought him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collectors Edition with all the movies in a cool case, the TMNT masks and washable tattoes. Childish? Maybe. But, it was what he really wanted; maybe channeling his inner child in preparation for Finn. Then, I made him a steak dinner with sauteed mushrooms and onions with garlic mashed potatoes and salad with IBC Root Beer, (his favorite), to wash it all down. Then, we had an intimate evening, *wink wink* and lots of laughing and chatting while we fell asleep. It was a great day! Luke said he loved his birthday so I am glad I could make it special for him! Love that man!
Ok, back to the original reason for this post. Since Luke left for work, I have been cleaning in preparation for my mama coming! I am so excited! It's a kind of late notice visit, but I am so glad she decided to visit. She came to see the new car, see us, and go to the chilbirth class with us this weekend since she is going to be in the delivery room with us anyhow. But, the house is in a little bit of disarray so I cleaned the front room, the bedrooms, the laundry room, did the laundry and cleaned any spiderwebs that love to spawn by our front and back doors in the summer. This is what I still have to do:

~ Finish up the laundry and put it all away
~ Clean that gnarly kitchen
~ Make the beds
~ Clean out our freezer, (An IBC Root Beer exploded in there!)
~ Clean the bathroom
~ Go to the car insurance place to get insurance on the new car
~ Pick up Luke's paycheck and deposit it
~ Get groceries
~ Get ahold of mom
~ Childbirth class
~ Mail some bills

Heavens to Betsy! Still lots to do, and I have until 5:30 pm to get it all done! It's is exactly 9:00 am right now. That gives me 8 and 1/2 hours. Wish me luck, and have yourself a magnificent and fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You are wonder woman!!!! say hi to ur madre for me. Off to do housework too! luv you tons sister!
