Friday, August 13, 2010

"One door closes, another opens..."

Can I just first say, I love extra crunchy Peanut Butter on Ritz crackers? It's like my new favorite snack! Ok, on a more serious note, we have an update on the Tax crap and the housing program. First things first: Tax and our useless government. We still have not received a call from the lady who is supposed to be helping us get our money as soon as possible. I called her and bugged her again, but she was "waiting" on some information so now we are waiting too! Luckily, I have the most incredible people in my life and we are getting an extension from someone I love dearly so we can buy a car! Therefore, we are buying our car this weekend!!! I'm so excited to have a new car, (new for me.)
Second, the housing program called us. We were over qualified, (as in we make too much money.) I was really upset at first, as was Luke. But, then I prayed fervently about it, and I got a very calm feeling. Luke and I both agreed that this means something better is in store for us. So, now our plan is buy a house! The positive points on that are that we won't have to build a house from the ground up, we would be able to move in as soon as it closed, and there would be less hassle all the way around. So, we are choosing to see this as a positive, rather than a roadblock.
So, all in all, we are getting our car in the next few days, we will be looking into buying a house before Luke is 26, (that's next August), we can have our babies in our house together before another is born. Oh, and for those who are LDS, we are taking our Temple Preparedness class and will be sealed to each other and Finn and our future children very soon. I am the most excited for this. It's going to be the greatest gift either of us could give to each other or our children. I can't wait! Love you all, and have an amazing day!

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