Friday, August 27, 2010

Off my chest...

I am so tired of being pregnant. I love my little man more than life itself, but I am done not sleeping and being in so much pain. Let me explain:
I started having what I didn't know were contractions on Monday. They weren't regular, and they were only super painful twice. But, I am having a lot of trouble walking because of lower back and pelvic pain. Sometimes, I can't even move! So, guess what the OB told me? She told me I need to take it easy and not do too much until my 36 week appointment so I have been doing a little still, (I don't want Luke to have to do everything), but I have essentially been laying in bed trying to find things to do on the computer, movies to watch, things like that. AH! I am going nuts! LOL...But, my OB also said if they find I could go into labor at any point from Monday on, they won't try to stop it and we will finally meet our little man that has been cooking in there for what seems like ten years! Anyhow, here's to finding things to occupy my time! Have a good wekeend, all! Lots of love!

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