Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm A Slug...

When I first got back from Oregon, I had all this energy. I organized Finn's stuff, our house was thoroughly cleaned and I was happy go lucky. Not anymore! I am so exhausted, it's ridiculous! My energy level is absolute zip. To be honest, it really peeves me. I am bigger than I was yesterday, (I swear, every morning, my measuring tape a.k.a stretch marks are further up my belly), and he is resting further and further down on my pelvis. I am SO uncomfortable, and I feel so bad for my husband! I still do the basic cleaning, (sweep, mop, dishes, laundry, put clothes away, and clean the bathroom), but the deep cleaning has gone down to nil. The baby's bedroom is a mess right now, (Luke and I stayed up until 3 in the morning starting to put the crib together; project to be continued tonight.) Okay, that is enough for my whine fest.
These are things occuring in Luke and my life right now:

1. We are getting ready to have Finn outside the womb! (I'm 33 weeks today!)

2. We applied for a housing program where your down payment is building the house along with the contractors. We see if we are approved tomorrow! WOOT!

3. We are buying a car this week and at the latest, the end of next weekend! Yay for new cars, (new for us, of course. Not brand new!)

4. Luke is working more and more and is taking great pride in how well he is doing and how good he is at his job.

There are so many life changing things Luke and I trying to balance right now, and it's all so exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time. A new baby, a new house, a new car....AH! It's so much! Anyhow, I am going to make some dinner before my love gets home and then finish up this crib...loves to all!

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