Friday, August 27, 2010

Off my chest...

I am so tired of being pregnant. I love my little man more than life itself, but I am done not sleeping and being in so much pain. Let me explain:
I started having what I didn't know were contractions on Monday. They weren't regular, and they were only super painful twice. But, I am having a lot of trouble walking because of lower back and pelvic pain. Sometimes, I can't even move! So, guess what the OB told me? She told me I need to take it easy and not do too much until my 36 week appointment so I have been doing a little still, (I don't want Luke to have to do everything), but I have essentially been laying in bed trying to find things to do on the computer, movies to watch, things like that. AH! I am going nuts! LOL...But, my OB also said if they find I could go into labor at any point from Monday on, they won't try to stop it and we will finally meet our little man that has been cooking in there for what seems like ten years! Anyhow, here's to finding things to occupy my time! Have a good wekeend, all! Lots of love!

Friday, August 20, 2010

To Do List

I have no idea why I am writing this in my blog; most likely because I am pretty sure no one reads this. That is fine with me, though; I consider this more of an online journal than anything. So, anyhow...I am up very early this morning. Luke got up at 6:30 am, (his only day to sleep in an extra half hour), and I got up with him.
Yesterday was Luke's birthday! He turned 25. I am so proud of him and wanted to do something extra special for him so I bought him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collectors Edition with all the movies in a cool case, the TMNT masks and washable tattoes. Childish? Maybe. But, it was what he really wanted; maybe channeling his inner child in preparation for Finn. Then, I made him a steak dinner with sauteed mushrooms and onions with garlic mashed potatoes and salad with IBC Root Beer, (his favorite), to wash it all down. Then, we had an intimate evening, *wink wink* and lots of laughing and chatting while we fell asleep. It was a great day! Luke said he loved his birthday so I am glad I could make it special for him! Love that man!
Ok, back to the original reason for this post. Since Luke left for work, I have been cleaning in preparation for my mama coming! I am so excited! It's a kind of late notice visit, but I am so glad she decided to visit. She came to see the new car, see us, and go to the chilbirth class with us this weekend since she is going to be in the delivery room with us anyhow. But, the house is in a little bit of disarray so I cleaned the front room, the bedrooms, the laundry room, did the laundry and cleaned any spiderwebs that love to spawn by our front and back doors in the summer. This is what I still have to do:

~ Finish up the laundry and put it all away
~ Clean that gnarly kitchen
~ Make the beds
~ Clean out our freezer, (An IBC Root Beer exploded in there!)
~ Clean the bathroom
~ Go to the car insurance place to get insurance on the new car
~ Pick up Luke's paycheck and deposit it
~ Get groceries
~ Get ahold of mom
~ Childbirth class
~ Mail some bills

Heavens to Betsy! Still lots to do, and I have until 5:30 pm to get it all done! It's is exactly 9:00 am right now. That gives me 8 and 1/2 hours. Wish me luck, and have yourself a magnificent and fun weekend!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good things come in pairs...cross your fingers!

We got a car! YAY! I am so excited, I had to log on really quick and tell the world...or the people who read this blog! We got a 1997 Ford Explorer with only 57,000 miles on it! Amazing, you say? Not as amazing as the low price! We did have to get a small, (and I mean, SMALL), loan but I have my beautiful, sparkly, and most importantly, mechanically incredible SUV! I am so happy! We are waiting on Luke to get home a little early, and then it is off to the dealership to pick it up and take it home! Luke wants to install the car seat and put the second, smaller stroller in the trunk right when we get home! His excitement over Finn coming in less than six weeks is getting me all excited as well! I am so happy!
So...the reason for the title? Good things do come in pairs...a beautiful baby boy that are pieces of the love of my life and I and a gorgeous, nice car to bring him home in! WOOT!

Friday, August 13, 2010

"One door closes, another opens..."

Can I just first say, I love extra crunchy Peanut Butter on Ritz crackers? It's like my new favorite snack! Ok, on a more serious note, we have an update on the Tax crap and the housing program. First things first: Tax and our useless government. We still have not received a call from the lady who is supposed to be helping us get our money as soon as possible. I called her and bugged her again, but she was "waiting" on some information so now we are waiting too! Luckily, I have the most incredible people in my life and we are getting an extension from someone I love dearly so we can buy a car! Therefore, we are buying our car this weekend!!! I'm so excited to have a new car, (new for me.)
Second, the housing program called us. We were over qualified, (as in we make too much money.) I was really upset at first, as was Luke. But, then I prayed fervently about it, and I got a very calm feeling. Luke and I both agreed that this means something better is in store for us. So, now our plan is buy a house! The positive points on that are that we won't have to build a house from the ground up, we would be able to move in as soon as it closed, and there would be less hassle all the way around. So, we are choosing to see this as a positive, rather than a roadblock.
So, all in all, we are getting our car in the next few days, we will be looking into buying a house before Luke is 26, (that's next August), we can have our babies in our house together before another is born. Oh, and for those who are LDS, we are taking our Temple Preparedness class and will be sealed to each other and Finn and our future children very soon. I am the most excited for this. It's going to be the greatest gift either of us could give to each other or our children. I can't wait! Love you all, and have an amazing day!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am so flipping frustrated and nervous and tense! I called the SHHIP housing project and they said they never got our application! I mailed it exactly a week ago! Luckily, (and I am glad there is a positive side to this), she was very kind and said she would keep an eye out for it. If it doesn't come by tomorrow afternoon, she will be coming down to Red Bluff and will just fill out a new one with me so I don't have to mail and wonder again.
On another extremely obnoxious note, I called the IRS adovcate service, and she is still waiting on finding out if and when we will get our return. She said she is a little concerned because she doesn't even see that we filed for 2009. I have the paperwork and proof that we did and so does she! I faxed it to her! Also, I was told by the IRS that the Advocate Service can get you your money within two's been a month! Obviously, she doesn't seem to be on my side with this one! Man, the government is starting to tick me off in more ways than one, (besides this, this whole administration is just a group of insane whack jobs.) Normally, I keep my opinions to myself about this current administration for the sake of not getting into unwanted confrontations, but today-I don't care! This government is doing and allowing horrendous things to happen! Don't concern yourself with arguing with me about it either. It won't help either of our blood pressure and I am pregnant and don't need any more anxiety!
Phew. I just can't help but think about Luke's feelings with all this as well. Here he is, working 80 hours a week for Finn and I, and we finally decide to "go for the gold" as it were, and things just...stopped. I guess it's better than things just being rejected or not approved, but this waiting game is killing our morale. I just want him to know and understand that he is doing a great job and all will work out. So, trying to end on a positive note, hope everyone is having a great day and keep the faith! Ciao!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm A Slug...

When I first got back from Oregon, I had all this energy. I organized Finn's stuff, our house was thoroughly cleaned and I was happy go lucky. Not anymore! I am so exhausted, it's ridiculous! My energy level is absolute zip. To be honest, it really peeves me. I am bigger than I was yesterday, (I swear, every morning, my measuring tape a.k.a stretch marks are further up my belly), and he is resting further and further down on my pelvis. I am SO uncomfortable, and I feel so bad for my husband! I still do the basic cleaning, (sweep, mop, dishes, laundry, put clothes away, and clean the bathroom), but the deep cleaning has gone down to nil. The baby's bedroom is a mess right now, (Luke and I stayed up until 3 in the morning starting to put the crib together; project to be continued tonight.) Okay, that is enough for my whine fest.
These are things occuring in Luke and my life right now:

1. We are getting ready to have Finn outside the womb! (I'm 33 weeks today!)

2. We applied for a housing program where your down payment is building the house along with the contractors. We see if we are approved tomorrow! WOOT!

3. We are buying a car this week and at the latest, the end of next weekend! Yay for new cars, (new for us, of course. Not brand new!)

4. Luke is working more and more and is taking great pride in how well he is doing and how good he is at his job.

There are so many life changing things Luke and I trying to balance right now, and it's all so exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time. A new baby, a new house, a new car....AH! It's so much! Anyhow, I am going to make some dinner before my love gets home and then finish up this crib...loves to all!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Quite the accomplished lady!

Last Wednesday, I drove by myself to Oregon to visit all my family that live there. From that day to Friday, I had a blast hanging out with two of my sisters, my niece, and my wonderful parents. I just did my normal thing; I went with the flow and hung out with whomever was available.
(Note: I did have one annoying and disgusting pregnancy symptom: swollen feet. They are only now going slightly back to normal. SO gnarly looking.)
It was a lot of fun! Finn was moving constantly so every family member got to feel and physically see him moving my tummy around. They all loved it, especially Kristina. She saw it the most, and was in awe of how much he moved and how well she was able to see him. On Friday night, Luke was able to drive up and be there with my family.
Saturday, he, my father and my brother-in-law drove up to Redmond, OR. Luke's grandpa, (whom he was very close to), passed almost two years ago and Luke inherited a 1957 Willys Jeep. My father renovates cars as a hobby, and was delighted to take the trip with Luke and bring it back to my parents' place, where they will be renovating it together. Luke wants to get a specialty license plate to honor his grandfather. He was so happy to see his grandma, and be able to have something that was dear to him and his grandpa. They had a blast driving up to Redmond and back in one day, too. Male bonding time, they called it.
While the guys were in Redmond, my superhero mother put on a baby shower for Finn and I. It was a ton of fun, had great food, a beautiful cake and a lot of amazing people came. Finn and I got a TON of things; he now has all of the following items:

Changing Table
Swaddling blankets
Baby blankets
More clothes than a baby should be allowed to have (Just kidding; they are SO cute)
Bottles (for when I pump and Luke feeds him)
Diaper rash cream
Baby wash and lotion
Car seat

...And a whole other plethora of things that I can't recall at this time. I felt very accomplished today. I bought two accordion style file folders and organized all our bills, paid and still to be paid in one and all our tax, certificate and Social Security stuff in the other. I cleaned the house, (not crazy deep cleaning; I am saving that for tomorrow.) I did all our laundry from our trip, (Luke washed it all, but I folded and put it all away.) I got all the presents for Finn and organized them the best I could until the nursery is organized and we have a dresser. I took the tags off all his new clothes and washed them, (which reminds me, I need to put them in the dryer now.) I finished the application to see if Luke and I get approved for a self help house building program. If we are approved, (I don't see why we won't be), we will begin building around the time Finn is born, (nice timing, huh?) and it should be done by February or March. We will be homeowners! All in all, these last few days have been extremely productive and everything is going so well. I am enjoying this positive aura surrounding Luke, Finn and I. Here's hoping it will last a long time! Anyhow, I am off to switch laundry and snuggle with my already sleeping husband and watch a movie and get some rest! Good night, all!