Monday, July 19, 2010

My Birth Plan

Since we have only 10 weeks until Finn makes his debut, I have started thinking about my birth plan. Some women write out exactly what they want and go over it with their OB/GYN. I haven't done that yet, but I am sure my Dr. will ask me soon what my plans are. To be honest, there are only a few things I am specific about. I really just want them to do whatever they can to make sure Finn is ok and gets the least traumatizing experience he can. I am very open to having an epidural, which everyone is almost 100% sure I will have, (they all think I am a wimp; I am a little bit, to be honest. hehe.)
I am going to TRY and deliver naturally. Luke is pushing me to just have an epidural as soon as possible; whenever I have been in pain, he gets very protective and a little strained. He wants me to be as comfortable as possible. I really, really want to deliver naturally; I would definitely rather not have a C-Section. Based on how textbook/normal this pregnancy has been, I have little to fear about that. I don't want a ton of people in the room, besides my sisters, my mom and Luke. Oh, and the regular doctors and nurses. But, as little staff as possible would be nice. I am VERY modest and I would rather not have a million random strangers staring at my hoo-ha. I want my mom, my eldest sister, my baby sister and my hubbs in there. My mom and Lydia, (my eldest sister), are super strong and will be a HUGE help. My little sister, Kristina, will be my sappy, loving one who will help me feel calm and in my optimistic, "gooey" state. Luke is my rock, my solid foundation that will know exactly what to say to be there for me and the baby. He will know what questions to ask and will keep an eye on me, the baby and all that is going on. I am very grateful for the amazing support that I have.
In short, (haha), I don't have a specific plan, except to make sure Finn is HEALTHY, HAPPY and SAFE. Other than that, keep my family with me, and let it be quick and pain free, (I'm kidding, of course.) Have a great day and a wonderful week!

P.S. - 30 WEEKS TODAY!!!

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