Monday, July 12, 2010

"Bobbing along, on the bottom of the beautiful briney sea..."

It's late. Luke is sleeping in a very funny way; on his back, with his fingers intertwined like he is praying. Love it. I am feeling Finn wiggle and shake, and watching an action flick that I love. My tummy is getting huge, my innie is now an outie and I have some nasty stretch marks that Luke says, "look like they hurt." Not physically, sweetie, but a little mentally. I DO NOT like them. But, they are worth it to have my baby boy. I am starting to get very short of breath, which I figure is normal because my stomach is getting more and more enormous every day. I like having a big, pregnant tummy almost all the time, except when trying to sleep or trying to clean and pick up things; it puts a little damper on doing things day to day. I haven't had a normal nights' rest in quite awhile, but maybe that is to prep me for the restless nights when my little sesame seed is here.
I am a little irritated with finances right now. No, we are not broke, but we are trying to buy a car without getting a loan and although we have some saved, we were counting on a considerable amount of money from our tax return to pump up our savings. The IRS accepted my return, but put it on hold because of my new last name change confused them. I have attempted to rectify the issue on FOUR different occassions and every time, they tell me they fixed it but they still haven't. Now, I am having to contact an Assistance program. Today, I called them and the guy was snippy and sounded lethargic or drunk or both. I am calling again tomorrow and I PRAY that I will talk to someone who can solve the problem finally or at least give me a straight answer. I am getting SO sick of it all. Plus, I hate dealing with things like this on the phone. I much prefer doing it in person so I can tell the full story without getting interrupted. Ok, whining is over!
After we get the car, I would like to move into a nicer home while we are building our house that we will actually own. I cannot wait to be a homeowner and decorate and have new, nicer things. I don't mind our home right now. It is big enough for a baby and Luke and I, but I believe there are some mold problems underneath the linoleum in the kitchen and laundry room. I don't want Finn inhaling that. We will see if the landlord will pay for an inspector to check it out and if all is well, then we can stay here until our home is done. If there is mold, we need to move quick! I have only 11 weeks until my baby boy will be here! So much to do, so little time. Other than that, we just need to set up his nursery, (we have all the furniture), and get everything ready for his arrival!
These days, I really just think about Finn, Luke, and the future, which entails many things. I will be a mother; I will be a wife; I will be a homeowner; I will be one day a college graduate. I will be a teacher. All of these things excite me so much, and I think that's kind of amusing. They certainly aren't exciting things, but they are things I really want and I am so excited they are beginning to take shape. I thank God every day for all my blessings and I hope to never take them for granted.
There are other things going on in my life, and my families life that aren't so great. They are rather personal, but I am hoping one day to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We will see. Good night everyone!

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