Friday, July 16, 2010

A stroke of genius!!!

I had a dream last night...and it made me really happy. You may remember from a past post that I want to write a book, (no, it will not be about vampires, though I do confess that I love Twilight). Well, my dream was my inspiration. I am not going to delve into the plot or the subplot, but I think it is pure genius. I told Luke about my idea, and he said it had major potential to be an innovative and great idea. He also said a good story could be about one of his ancestors that experienced something similar to what one of my characters in my story experiences. I cannot wait to start writing. I think a good title would be wise. JM Barrie said that, in some variation anyhow. I just need to run it by my little sister, who is the other person I tell everything to and if she approves, I will begin! (I may begin tonight just to try my hand at it!) I even chose who would play the main characters if it ever got made into a movie!
Anyhow, have a good night everyone and have an amazing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Um, are you still working on this? Because I'm super interested. I bet you could write a book chicks would die for!
