Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Don't worry, baby. Everything will turn out all right...

I am listening to the Beach Boys, hence the title. I don't think Finn likes it, though. He stopped moving the second I started playing it. Or, maybe it puts him to sleep. Who knows? All I know is I am so exhausted, I feel like a zombie. I am coming up on 30 weeks, and I feel like sleeping until then. I never sleep at night because Luke and I are now cramped for space, since my tummy is large and imposing and Luke doesn't want to accidentally punch or knee me. Plus, my hips and legs radiate pain and I can't lay on my back or tummy so I just flip back and forth every 15 minutes and that is a process in and of itself.
I am writing this and then I must do the never ending dishes, pick up some dirty clothes and make this bed. I feel better when things are at least picked up and semi-clean. It just takes TONS of motivation to actually start doing these chores. Once I start, though, I can't stop until I am red faced and sweaty. It's about 110 degrees outside today. Painfully hot, and I feel bad for Luke. He has been having a rough week at work and I am sure this heat doesn't help too much. But, he has been in an amazingly great mood as soon as he gets home though.
Is there a point to this particular blog spot? Not really. Just writing out what is going on in my head. This is what my thought process is: "Sleeeeeeppppp....must clean THEN sleeeepppp...." That's pretty much it. Ok. I will follow what my brain and body are saying must be done. Hope everyone's summer is going well! Have a great sunny day!

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