Thursday, August 8, 2013


While the boys are playing, (somewhat roughly so I will be taking frequent blogging pauses to break up the wrestling matches), I thought I would do updates on the dudes and myself! So, here we go! (Oh, break up match #1!)
First, our youngest Mitchell boy, Mr. Dietrich. He is amazing. Our prediction was right when we said he would walk at 10 months; he was walking unassisted and all over the place almost the day he became a 10 month old. He now runs, which is exciting because he is growing, but terrifying now that I have two that can run away from me in two different directions. He loves to spit, clap, laugh, nod, shake his head "no", says "yes", "no", "mama", "dad", "good job" and "nigh nigh." His hair is this incredible deep red color and it just gets richer by the day. He is finally on a set naptime and bedtime schedule, (it took forever with his big brother around, trying to keep him up constantly!) and is a huge eater. He will literally devour everything he sees. He is off formula and just drinks milk now, (we started at 10 1/2 months, just mixing a little with his formula to make sure his tummy could handle straight Vitamin D milk, which it can! Woot!) He hasn't been weighed or measured since his 9 month check up, (and still hasn't been sick, except a small cold!), but we know he went through another growth spurt very recently. I had to get the clothes for the next size up and he was waking to eat every two hours for a few days. Glad that spurt is done! He has eight teeth and is such a laidback, tough little boy, (he has to be tough with Finn as his wild big brother!)

Next is my big, almost three year old, Finnegan Leo. Don't you love this picture? I myself find it hilarious! Anyhow, my firstborn is wild, passionate, curious, determined, fun, beautiful, sweet, and so many other things. He is such a rock star. He loves music, trucks, cars, LeapFrog, playing with Dietrich, wrestling Dietrich, attacking Dietrich, etc. He is a huge help when we going shopping, (99%of the time, anyhow), and loves to give hugs and kisses. Luke is still his Superhero, (I swear, Luke can do NO wrong in that boys' eyes!) and gets so excited when Luke comes home. They are best buddies and Luke and I both hope it stays that way. He talks a lot, but with one stipulation: it's on HIS time and when HE wants to. If you ask him to say something, he won't until you aren't paying attention anymore. After he and I say our bedtime prayers, I will ask him to say "Amen" and he will just smile. Of course, as I am leaving the room, I can hear him whisper, "Amen, mom." It's hilarious, and I know he will get to the point where he will be talking our ear off and we will have to tell him to knock it off! ;)

This is honestly the most recent and the best picture I have of my dear husband, since he is always at work and we rarely see him in the summer. This is the 4th of July, when we took the boys to Whiskeytown Lake. We all had a blast and were so excited to get to spend a fun day with daddy. Luke, aka Dad, aka Babe, is doing great. He is kicking butt at work and has made himself a major asset to his company. He works extremely hard and long hours and his customers love him. He loves being the boys' dad and is so excited for the new camper trailer we were able to save for. We have taken it camping once with my parents and we didn't want to leave. It was so much fun and so much more comfortable than camping with two little boys in a tent. Plus, we had a crazy and long thunderstorm one of the days we were there so we were glad for a warm, dry place to play while we waited it out. Luke really is an incredible person; I am often in awe of his drive and intelligence. He not only is a devilishly handsome man, but he has a huge heart and loves his family, as well as his Heavenly Father and for that, I am so grateful!

I don't take recent pictures of myself, so you are going to have to deal with this little gem. Kristina and I went to Medford to shop for Bachelorette Party accessories and this is my face after seeing some of what they had, (this was for my Bachelorette Party, so this is an oldie!) Anyhow, I am 15lbs down and anxious to be completely rid of this disgusting chub-a-lub. I have a long way to go, but I know I will get there if I keep my determination going. The boys, Luke and the house keep me fairly busy, and I have been trying to accomplish my many projects during my free time, (read: when the boys go to bed.) I am exhausted most days, but 99% of the time, I don't really notice or mind. I am so excited to have found an amazing teenage gal to watch the boys the few times I need a sitter. She has been a lifesaver and has taken a lot of stress of my mind. She loves the boys and the boys absolutely adore her.

Anyhow, I think that is all for now. More to come, since Dietrichs' 1st birthday is in a month and Finns' 3rd is just the month after that! Can't wait! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates! The boys are getting so big! Glad you're all doing well and had a blast with your family.
