Monday, July 1, 2013

Update for the month of June!

It's been awhile since I have posted, and I wanted to keep up with the growth of the boys, Luke and myself. So, here goes!

We are starting with the youngest today. Our ginger is doing amazing and is a major light in our lives. He just had his 9 month well check, (well a couple weeks ago), and he is 30 inches long and 22 pounds. I looked back at the information I had kept on his big brother and he is the same height and one pound heavier than his older brother was at this age. They are going to be big boys! He is standing, cruising and now tentatively walking. He can take up to 4 steps at a time. We are predicting a full on walker by 10 months, and we are excited! He eats EVERYTHING we give him, and has a huge appetite, (so different from his big brother.) He talks a ton, says "nigh nigh" to Finn when we put Finn to bed and says "mama" and "dada" to the right people. He is officially sleeping in his crib full time, (before, it was only until about midnight and then I put him in bed with Luke and myself.) He waves at everyone he sees, and loves to play peek-a-boo. He has 6 teeth now; they seem to all be coming at once. Luckily, besides his two bottom teeth, he seems to be taking it all in stride. He is a light to all of us and is such a happy, content little man.

My big blonde Finn is a very happy two and a half year old. He loves his trucks, LeapFrog alphabet and number cartoons and wrestling with his dad. He runs to the door, unlocks it and throws the door open whenever Luke comes home and then doesn't leave his side until bedtime. He is the easiest kid in the world to put to bed; when we say "nigh nigh", he grabs his blanket, walks into the bathroom and we brush his teeth. Then, he hops into bed, says prayer, snuggles his Clifford or his Elephant and goes to sleep. Considering how much we fought with him from birth to the time he got his own room, it is such a relief to have such a good sleeper now. He is 36lbs, 40in and has long, curly, shaggy hair, (for the moment.) He is slowly but surely starting to communicate with Luke and I, and is a huge help to both us and Dietrich. He is an amazing big brother, and the best first born a gal could ask for.

Luke, (the one on the far left), is working 75 hour weeks and is exhausted most days. The weather has been 115 degrees most days, (the lowest was about 105), and he is working in attics that get to about 172 degrees. His back and shoulder are feeling much better though. He is looking forward to our yearly camping trip with my side of the family the end of July and getting the backyard completely finished and ready for two very active little boys. He is a very attentive father and an amazing husband. I thank God daily for giving me the honor to be married to such a hard working, loving man! :)

Then, there's the estrogen of the family. (That's an old picture of the family, when it was just Luke, Finn and myself. This is right after we bought our house.) I am 12 lbs down and frustrated that I can't see it yet. Other than that, I am great! I am taking care of the house, boys, bills, cars, Luke and I enjoy every second of it. It's weird to me that I actually do enjoy being a stay at home mom; when I was 20, the last thing I wanted was a husband, kids, house, etc. Now, I would die without each of them. I love that Luke and the boys rely on me; it has always been something that makes me feel good inside and out. When people need me, rely on me and I can help them, I feel on top of the world. I get to feel that every day. Of course, I have days where I want to just sleep for 24 hours and veg, but I know these moments will be gone before I know it and I am trying to cherish them.

In present news, we sold our old Ford Explorer, (yay!), and are on now on the lookout for a camper trailer. We had our bank account hacked and money was spent, but because I check our bank account every day, ( I am psychotic when it comes to our money), I was able to catch it and all is being refunded and repaired. The jerk who stole my information won't be getting anything else from us and won't be getting his online purchases either. We are weathering this heat wave, (with uncommon and crazy humidity), and are loving just being together. We are a happy little family! :)


  1. Glad you're all doing well! By the way, if you guys get updated family pictures we'd love to have one. The one we have on our fridge right now is from when Finn is probably 2 months old. Haha.

  2. Love seeing the pics of everyone! Congrats on your weight loss! I know it can be SO frustrating. Stick with it dear, you will be rewarded. Miss your face!
