Saturday, November 20, 2010

Things I know without a shadow of a doubt...

These are things I know to be true without hesitation:

1. I know there is a God. I have faith and have had personal experiences that tell me He is real.

2. I am one of the most blessed people on the planet. I have the most amazing people in my life.

3. I will succeed in becoming an English teacher one day. Just not sure when that day will come.

4. I love Luke with so much of me that he is a part of my very being.

5. I have come to realize how truly sappy I am. Hopeless romantic, I am!

6. I love Finn and still cannot believe how truly gorgeous and perfect he is. Blows my mind.

7. My sisters are people to envy.

8. Lydia, my eldest sister, is a hero in my eyes. She overcame a lot and works her hiney off daily to take care of and spoil her husband and daughter.

9. Rebecca, the second eldest, is one of the most complex people I know. Yet, she has a heart of Gold. And loves very fiercely.

10. Kristina, my little sister and best friend, is so incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. She looks like a supermodel, but has the intelligence of a rocket scientist. I am SO glad Heavenly Father put us together in the same family.

11. My mother is selfless, gorgeous, little and strong. She is a rock, but a softy when it comes to her family and her faith.

12. My father is my hero. He is a big teddy bear with a huge heart. He would give his life for his family, friends, strangers and God. I am a daddy's girl.

13. Being angry is fruitless, so I choose to be happy and dispel anger as soon as it starts to creep in.

14. I was made to be a mother and a wife. It's the best job I could hope for, and I plan on keeping it for a long time.

15. I am set in my ways, my beliefs, my politics. Don't try to change them.

16. I am glad I am an optimist, a romantic, religious and didn't compromise those things to be popular, well liked or "cool."

17. I love sleep, and it's the one thing I miss about being a new mom. That being said, I could stare at Mr. Finnegan all day and night, and be perfectly content.

18. Luke's voice is the most soothing sound in the world.

19. His arms are the most comforting feeling in the world.

20. Finn's breathing, his coos, his smiles, his wiggles, his snoring, his "hugs"...Thank you, Heavenly Father for this little man.

21. I have the best in-laws a gal could ask for!

22. I love my two brother-in-laws and my sister-in-law like they were my blood.

23. I love my nephews and my neice and am so proud of all four of them.

Those are the things I know. Have a good night all! :)

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