Monday, November 8, 2010

Some thoughts...

I love how perfect babies look when they sleep. Finn is asleep on my lap right now, and he looks flawless. After posting this, I think I might actually try to put him in his bassinet and sleep with Luke. I miss him. Hence, the reason for this entry.
I miss my husband so stinking much. He gets up for work at 5:30am, leaves by 6, and is usually not home until about 6:30pm. I am home with my little man which has been an adjustment but is still lovely. It's nice that we can afford for me to stay at home with Finn. Taking care of him is something I have fallen into quite nicely, I think. In any case, by the time Luke gets home, we are both exhausted and after we eat dinner, he takes a shower, destresses from the day and chills with Finn for awhile. Then, he goes to bed and I either play with Finn or sleep with him in the recliner, (this is my fault. I held him while he slept since he has been home and now he can't sleep UNLESS I am holding him. Whoops.)
When Luke and I first started dating, we both knew we had found something special. Luke had gone through one of the toughest relationships a person can go through, and I had never been in love. I knew I had gotten really lucky to have found someone who loves me so completely, and shows it every day. I wanted to be the best girlfriend he had. Now, I strive to be the best wife in the world. He strives to be the best husband in the world. Sure, we both have our days where we could work on certain things, but we both know our lines of communication are always totally open and we are always making sure the other is happy and content.
I love Luke so completely and he has my heart 100%. I miss him right now, mainly because we are adjusting to life with a new baby. I DO NOT resent Finn in any way, shape or form. I miss sleeping next to the love of my life. I know this is a time of adjustment and I am grateful to have such a supportive and understanding husband who listens when I need to talk. who helps when I ask for it, who loves Finn and I enough to work his tail off every day so we are comfortable, who compliments me and show affection daily, (I especially appreciate this when I am feeling fat, unattractive or grumpy.) I guess the reason of this blog is to write down my thoughts on the husband that I am truly blessed to have. I KNOW how lucky I got; I need to remember it when I am feeling sorry for myself for something that is truly silly. Anyhow, Finn has crashed on my chest and I am hoping he stays asleep for the-moving- from- mama's- chest- to- bassinet process. Good night, all! :)

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