Saturday, April 12, 2014

DISNEYLAND! family has a tradition. By family, I mean what I like to call, "my first family." You know, my parents, siblings and animals, (in my family, we love our animals. A trait all my sisters kept, but I didn't, for some odd reason.) This tradition is AWESOME, if I do say so myself. You see, whenever a family member graduates from high school, we go to the happiest place on Earth. That's right. We go to Disneyland, (woot woot!) We went other times, when my eldest sisters were young and before my baby sister and I were born. Then, a few times with our extended family, the Putnams. But, when I was set to graduate high school, (my 10 year reunion is this summer), my parents said we were going to Disneyland for 4 days and I got to choose what we did on the 5th day. In the past, we did 4 days at the Disneyland Park and one day at Knottsberry Farm. However, being the Thespian that I was, (keyword there is "was"), I chose to go to Universal Studios Hollywood and Graumanns' Chinese Theater, (fun fact: my dad's hands are bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger.)

So, I had yet another reason to be ecstatic to be graduating. I was done with high school, done with rules, done with homework, (until college), and ready to party!  I was chosen by my AP English Teacher, (she will always be one of my favorites), to be the person to give my Senior Project speech to the judges as their practice rounds one evening a couple weeks before everyone else was set to do theirs. I jumped at the chance for a few reasons: 1. I loved public speaking and was good at it. 2. I was flattered to be chosen. 3. If I did it, I didn't have to do it when everyone else did, meaning I didn't have to go to school the last two days before graduation weekend. FREEDOM! So, I gave up an hour one evening to go to my high school, did my speech, got top marks and a compliment from one judge that always stuck with me, (she knew my dad when he was young and said I looked, acted like and had the same mannerisms as him. Anyone telling me that I emulate my dad is the biggest compliment I could ever receive.)

The Saturday before, my parents through me a huge, fun BBQ at our home with a cake that my mom thought fit my attitude about high school. It said, "Congrats Liz. You're DONE!" That night, I went out and celebrated, (the non alcoholic way), with my group of friends. The next day, we all met in the gym in our blue caps and gowns, our various tassles draping by our excited faces as we ought of the future. We listened to our peers and teachers speak, we heard our names being called, we shook hands, took that precious diploma and freedom had arrived. We switched our tassles to the other side, threw our caps and cheered. We hugged, cried, laughed and went home to prepare for our all nighter party, hosted by our high school. We had a blast, confessing to our peers of crushes, dreams and embarrassing stories. We exchanged phone numbers, promises to never lose our friendships and hugs. It was a blast and still a great memory.

That morning, I was picked up by my parents, exhausted but still barely containing my excitement. My sisters were with them, as was my niece and my brother in law. There was neverending luggage in the trunk. We were headed straight for Disneyland! I slept half the way, read, played with my niece, (10 at the time), and tried to contain my childlike anticipation. As soon as we saw the bright lights coming for the rides in Anaheim, we all screamed and laughed. Had I just graduated from high school? Yes. Was I going to college in three months? Sure. Did I regress to a five year old as soon as I saw the Disneyland sign? You bet!
Little ol' high school me!

Two years later, it was my baby sisters turn. I could venture a very strong guess that her excitement to be free, grown up and ready for lifes' adventures matched mine. I can also say with confidence that she became a little girl as soon as we headed for SoCal.
My incredibly beautiful baby sister!

And now, 8 years later, someone is graduating high school. I was there when this special person was born. I held her while she slept, helped her tie her shoes, brushed her hair, played with her, cuddled her, babysat her, gave her advice, bought her cute clothes, talked to her about boys and stupid girls and driving cars. I love this person so much, and she is so much more than a niece. She is my little sister. Brooke is one of my favorite memories of my childhood. She is a best friend and such an incredible woman. She is driven, smart, confident, an overachiever, a great friend and gorgeous inside and out. And she is graduating. I am still wrapping my head around the fact that she has a car and a boyfriend and now she's graduating high school?! This post was originally about Disneyland but I got a little sidetracked thinking about my amazing Boogs. Back to the point before I start crying!
My goofy and gorgeous Boogs!

Anyhow, since Boogs is graduating, our family has been planning our traditional trip to Disneyland! Brooke chose an exciting dinner and show at Medieval Times so that's where we are headed first. This is who is going to this awesome week long vacation:

The Robinson Family (Lonnie, Lydia, Brooke and Grandma Janice)

The Stuevens Family (Paul aka Dad, Jacki aka Mom)

My sister, Rebecca Hawke

Brookes' Boyfriend, Kody Hess

The West Family (Danny and Kristina)

The Mitchell Family, CA branch (Luke, Liz, Finn and Dietrich)

The Phelps Family (Chad, Aja and Dax! Aja is Kristina's best friend and just happened to plan their Disneyland vacation the same week! We love the Phelps family and are so excited they are coming!)

The Robinson, Kody and West families are flying down. The Stuevens Family and Rebecca are driving down a couple days in the week and are only going for 3 days.  The Mitchell family is driving halfway the day before and the rest of the way the next day, (we are fortunate to live the closest to the Park. Thank heavens since we have a preschooler and a toddler in tow!)

The boys LOVE Mickey Mouse and Disney movies. I have been showing them YouTube videos of the rides and they, (especially Finn) seem SO excited, though I am not sure if they understand what is happening and when. I have been slowly prepping and planning for any problems that may come up with them, since this is the first vacation we will be taking with them that is not just camping or the beach. My family does Disneyland from the time they open until they are kicking everyone out so I am trying to prep and plan for every second of the boys' days to make sure they stay happy, relaxed, fed, hydrated and...HAPPY. I am so stinking excited that I often dream of the park and the boys' reactions to seeing Mickey and all their favorite characters full size and able to be hugged. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

That concludes this seemingly erratic, off topic and random post. I hope you, (whoever YOU are), enjoyed this nonsensical post! Good night! :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the picture of little high school Liz. So cute!
