Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mission Inspire Sabrina

So, I was asked by my dear sister in law to write in my blog so as to motivate and inspire her to update get lovely blog as well. Therefore, I log on, go to my last blog update and realize that mine needed some updating as well. Apparently having her ask motivated and inspired me so thanks for that, Sabrina! I should also add that I am writing this update on my kindle and doing so quickly, so auto correct may do some unwanted "correcting." I apologize ahead of time for that! 

Because I'm on my kindle and still not completely apt to all its abilities, I will not be putting pictures up tonight. Maybe when I can get on my desktop and edit this post, I will. However, for now, we will be talking about my dear family without pictures.

First up tonight is my dear sweet and sexy spouse, Luke. He is doing great. Working as hard as always, and being a pretty amazing dad as well. He is trying hard to get some big home improvement projects done, but is having a heck of a time trying to find the time to do it all. I told him we plan on being in this house for a long time, so we shouldn't stress to much if it isn't perfect right away. Anyhow, we are best friends and have a great time being together in this crazy fun life we have.

Next, we will chat about me! I am doing ok. Enjoying my boys more every day, but boy am I exhausted! Between the boys getting sick, (REALLY sick one time), running this house, paying bills, worrying about the state of the union, (yes, I work about these things; being politically minded is part of who we Stuevens' gals are), and then finally being forced to actually worry about myself, I have developed a new fantasy: one 24 hour period in a quiet, dark hotel room with some popcorn, a Mt. Dew and total utter silence and sleep. It won't happen, and who am I kidding? I can't go on a two hour date without aching to be home with my sons. After all, who can take better care of their kids than their own mother? But, I digress. Onto my favorite topic: my boys!

Finn. I swear, he turned three and the terrible twos disappeared. He was a little hellion at times this last year and loved to challenge me. But, besides some grumpy moments from both of us, he has been amazing. Listening, helping, and boy is he affectionate! I get at least a hundred hugs, kisses and "I love yous"every day. His speech had taken off and I seriously couldn't ask for a better big brother for my younger kids.

Now to my big red. Dietrich. My wild, hyper, big personality. In the last, hmmm, six months, his personality has exploded. He is hilarious, loud, goofy, and so full of expressions and emotions. He is also an over achiever. He talks a ton already and loves to listen to conversations and try to participate. He calls me mom, Luke dad, Finn is "Feen" and he lives to say no, nigh nigh, lub you, and baby.He says other things, but those are the most common.He is so much fun and certainly keeps me on my toes!

Well,I think that is all for now. I am in desperate need of sleep and my boys have been not seeing so great they last week so I should take advantage of that. Goodnight all!

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