Thursday, March 7, 2013

Update on my men

Hello all! I thought I would give a quick update on all three of the men in my life; namely, Luke, Finn, and my little Dietrich. I honestly don't get on my laptop anymore, (I use my phone or my Kindle), so I often forget to update this thing. I don't even know if people read this, outside of a few relatives, but it's a good thing to have so that I can remember these times when my boys are grown.

First up is the big man of the house: Luke. He is doing great. He has to get glasses, which he is not too thrilled about, but they are only for reading small print; his sight is great otherwise. He is doing great at work, and there are talks of making him a manager, (right now, they are only talks.) Though he sometimes has a rough time dealing with the politics that come with working at the company he works for, he is happy to have a lucrative job that will always need him and helps him provide for the boys and I. Finn is in love with him and even prefers him to me, (I was depressed about it for awhile, but Luke needed his turn to be #1 parent, and Dietrich is in the baby I-want-mama stage so I recovered.) Luke is an amazing dad and loves to wrestle and do big boy things with his little men.

Next is my tall, lanky and devilishly handsome blonde, Captain Finn. Mr. Finnegan Leo is 2 years and 5 months old. He loves his trucks, his blocks and being outside or in the water. He is a boy through and through, (I swear, that Y chromosome makes them love being dirty), and, from the words of my father, "an Engineer." He analyzes everything and how it works, and is an incredible builder. He is definitely his dad's little boy: passionate, driven, analytical and stubborn. He has been taking his time in the talking department, (he will tell you entire stories with great feeling and animation, though no one knows what he is saying.) He is speaking clearer more and more every day and is an extremely intelligent young man.

Last, but definitely not least, is my tomato. Mr. Dietrich Miles or as Finn calls him, D2. He is huge; I am not surprised. Finn was and is a big kiddo and their mother, (that's me!), is not exactly a petite, lil thing. He is much more broad and stout, as opposed to Finns' lanky frame, but I love his "moobs" and his chubby legs. His hair is as bright red as ever and his eyes are a beautiful, piercing blue. He loves everything his dad or his brother too, and he smiles all the time. He even smiles at you when he is fussy. He rarely cries, (I say this as he starts fussing on my lap, ha) and he babbles a lot. His favorite things to do are: make bubbles with his mouth and slobber; slobber; sit up and grab at everything he sees, including mom's hair; eat formula in a bottle, while snuggled on his mama's lap; and pull his diaper off, (yes, he can already do that. Darn it.) He is also starting to crawl and I am excited and nervous at the same time. Right now, he is rocking on his hands and knees and has moved forward a few times, but not consistently yet. I think he is eager to wrestle with daddy and run around with Finn. I am so blessed to have two such beautiful, bright and hilarious boys and a gorgeous, hard working and pretty darn funny big boy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love updates! I can't believe Dietrich is getting ready to crawl! Such growth since I last saw him. Give the boys hugs and kisses for me!
