Sunday, November 25, 2012

Long time coming!

Hello everyone who may or may not read this blog! I haven't updated since I found out I was pregnant with my second kiddo and now he is two and a half months old! I was a little busy with a growing, running, mayhem causing toddler, a home, bills and all the stuff that comes with being a stay at home mom who likes to stay busy, be clean and stay organized.

We found out we were having another boy when we went in for our 22 week Level 2 ultrasound. Because of Lukes' heart "condition", (doesn't really cause any issues for him now, besides high blood pressure), and his family's history of heart conditions, every baby we have goes for a specialized ultrasound that checks all organs are growing correctly and are on track, (mainly the heart and aorta.) We were both surprised, mainly because we had just found out Lukes brother and his wife were having a boy and there are only male grandchildren on Lukes side. We thought for sure we would be bringing a girl into the mix. But, we were also ecstatic it was a boy for a few reasons: 1. We got this boy raising thing down; well, maybe not DOWN, but we know a heck of a lot more about it than raising a girl! 2. We already had everything needed for a baby boy. 3. We had agreed completely on the boys' name and were still kind of up in the air about a girls' name. 4. We were just happy he was a healthy and growing little man.

My pregnancy was run of the mill, aside from a couple things. I got huge. And, I know all pregnant women say that and truly believe they are the biggest pregnant chick in existence, but I am not exaggerating when I say I looked pregnant with triplets. At least. I still had some chub-a-lub from my first pregnancy with Finn, and my second son was HUGE. I had to sleep on the couch sitting up for the last month and a half of my pregnancy because of the immense pressure on my hips and the sheer size of my belly.

I went in for my 40 week check up, excited to see how I was progressing and hoping no intervention would be needed, (Finn was 42 weeks and I was induced on three different ocassions until it finally worked and my little blondie came out.) The week before, I had an hour long "episode" of excruciating pain that knocked me off my feet. I thought it was labor, but besides the little dude moving like crazy, there were no signs of labor, (stomach arching and tightening, water breaking, loss of the ever so lovely mucous plug.) So, I breathed through it and it went away, never to return. Come to find out, the man had taken his head out of my pelvis and completely flipped so now his butt was in my pelvis, his feet were pushing on my tummy and his head was lodged in my ribs. Lovely. My hippie midwife, (whom I adore and admire), told me that unfortunately, because of position and his estimated size, (guessed from an ultrasound), I would need a C-Section within a few days. I cried, and she hugged me. Then, I called Luke, cried some more, he said all the things an amazing husband says and I toughened up, set the date for the next morning and went over to the Surgery Unit for my pre-op and registration. I called my mom, and she, one of my three sisters, and my dad hopped into their car and arrived three hours later. I snuggled Finn before he went to bed, and then settled on my couch for a long night of worry and wondering.

The next morning, Luke and I got up at 4:30am, kissed Finn and told my parents we were heading out. We held hands as I waddled into the triage and then plopped my large self into the security guards' wheelchair. We were taken to the Maternity Ward, where I met and came to love one of the nurses, (sarcastic, lighthearted and comforting; she was incredible.) Luke and I also were so happy to know that our favorite nurse who took perfect care of Finn when he had his scary beginning was coming on at 7am and was working through my 3 day stay. After 6 needle pricks, (I have the worst veins) and a lovely catheter, I was prepped and ready to go. The anesthesiologist came in, explained what would be happening with my spinal block, (contrary to popular belief, it is NOTHING like an epidural) and then I was put in a wheelchair and whisked to the OR. Luke was taken to get scrubs and a mask on and then told to wait in the waiting room while I was prepped. I was asked to sit on the surgery bed where I hugged a little nurse and arched my back as much as my belly would allow while the anesthesiologist numbed around my spine and then put my spinal block in. It was very uncomfortable, but not excruciatingly painful. Once that was in, I laid down, which was horrible since my belly was so huge and I was not accustomed to laying flat. They strapped my arms down, put the curtain up and began testing my legs and belly for any feeling. I couldn't feel a thing, which is a very strange feeling! Then, they began sponging my stomach, pelvic region and upper thighs with iodine. The most awkward moment for me was when the Anesthesiologist lifted my gown completely up to put on the heart and lung monitors. I was laying flat on my back, with a gigantic belly sticking straight up to the heavens, completely naked, showing all my private areas to the 20 nurses and doctors in the room. I had to remind myself that they do this all the time, and it was nothing new for them. My amazing midwife came up to my head, stroked my cheek and told me she was going to be assisting and would be there for me and the baby. It helped a ton!

At the beginning of the surgery, I felt a sharp pain in my lower right side as they began cutting and informed the Anesthesiologist right away. He popped a local anesthetic in that spot and all was well again. He had told me that his job was to make sure I was safe, happy and healthy and would assist me however I needed it, whether it was more Morphine, or whether I came into any danger. He was a very intelligent, kind man and I really appreciated him.

They had already begun cutting me open when Luke arrived to be by my head, so he saw my insides and my tummy widely exposed. He said it didn't bother him, but something else really did. They had a suction tube resting on the edge of the incision and it was sucking out amniotic fluid and my blood. The canister that all that junk went into was resting on Luke's calf and it was filling up fast. Though I was kind of out of it from the morphine, I started to get increasingly dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. My OB later told me that I actually lost a lot of blood and they were getting a little nervous trying to get the little dude out. He apparently flipped as they were cutting and dropped his head into my pelvis as he was trying to pull him out, (the little bugger waited until it was too late to go into the right position!) They also had me laying so far back and almost on my head, that my head felt fuzzy and I couldn't breathe very well, (due also in part to the fact that I was numb up to my chest.)

When they pulled him out, I just wanted to hear him cry. Because Finn came out blue with collapsed lungs, I didn't get to hear that beautiful first sound that every mom wants to hear. A few seconds after I felt some hard tugs and then a very odd feeling of emptiness, I heard that glorious sound and began to cry. Then I heard my OB say, "What a ton of bright red hair!" I was shocked, but demanded I see him. Once his nurse did his first apgar test, (almost a perfect 10!), she swaddled him and gave him to Luke. He took the dude's little beanie off so we could see that glorious red hair. And boy, was it glorious! Luke, the nurse and our second little man were taken to the Maternity Ward while I was taken to recovery. I fell asleep and when I woke and saw the nurse lifting my legs and I couldn't feel them, I freaked out a little bit. He was doing his routine checks on me, but to have literally no feeling from your chest down is odd and uncomfortable. He told me to rest for an hour or so, and if all looked well, I would be wheeled to the Maternity Ward to be with my bug and my husband. I very easily slipped into a Morphine-induced coma and when I woke, I was being taken to meet my little love! Luke and our favorite nurse, (her name is Jenny), had already given him a bath, done his hand and footprints and were snuggling and admiring him when I arrived. He was instantly plopped onto my chest to eat and get some skin-on-skin bonding time and that is essentially where he stayed for the next three days. Now, here are some things I remember about that the next dizzying few days.

First, I text my mom a lot, asking for updates on Finn. He was a little out of sorts, not having mom and dad there and not knowing where they were, but she, my dad and my sister were doing there best to keep him happy and occupied and in his original routine. He came to see me and his little brother every day, but since I couldn't hold him and I had a nose cannula on my face, he looked uncomfortable and could only stay in the room for short, little bursts. It was so painful to be away from him, and I am glad my family was there to help him transition.

Next, I remember all the people that came to see me. I remember Ruben and Shawntay coming, bearing gifts for the bubbs and a Mt. Dew for me. They both rock, and Ruben was happy to meet his second Godson! I remember Sabrina coming, with her adorable bursting belly, bringing me more Mt. Dew and snuggling her new nephew. Later, her husband, Uncle Paul came and admired his newest nephew to love on. My mom, dad, Becca and Finn came a couple times each day and stayed to love on the baby. Finn showed no jealousy and was happy to touch his face and call him "his baby." Our dear friend Amanda came and was happy to see he was out so she could give him kisses! Our friend Chelsie wanted to come badly, but was ill and was thinking of us. My wonderful in laws came to meet their newest grandson and tell him they loved him. My little sister, KK, arrived Saturday night and she cried when she held and kissed him. Uncle Danny loved his red hair! We were so grateful to everyone who came to show us their love and support. Our boys are truly blessed!

I also remember not sleeping. Between admiring the baby and feeling the twitching pain in my tummy, I just couldn't sleep. I also had leg braces on my calves that would tighten and release every few seconds, to prevent blood clots from not moving around. One had slipped down and was squeezing too tight and too hard on my ankle, which caused a TON of pain and loss of feeling in parts of my feet, (which I still can't feel to this day.)

This last memory is a little private and graphic, so feel free to skip this paragraph if you so wish! Now, I know Luke loves me and would do anything for me. But, I have never loved a man more or been more grateful for Luke than when I had to use the bathroom, (after the Cath was out), or when I had my first shower. He put me on the toilet or into the shower. He cleaned me up and helped me change anything that needed to be changed. He washed my hair, helped me get dressed and situated my pillows for me. He literally fed me once while I fed the baby and brushed my hair and put it in a bun for me. He was my nurse, my advocate, my support and truly is my best friend. All the private things that come after having a baby were not a deterrent or disgusted him in any way. I will never forget how much my heart expanded those few days; for Luke, for Finn, (who never showed or has shown any jealousy towards his little brother), and for my newest son, Dietrich Miles Mitchell. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to read and remember this time. We miss you guys!
