Wednesday, January 11, 2012

News, news, news...

First off: Finn had his geneticist/doctors' appointment in Sacramento on Monday. We went on Sunday, went to the Sacramento zoo, and had a blast. Finn was in love with the Tiger and thought the Chimps were hilarious. They were screaming at each other, and Finn decided to join in with his "ooohh ooohh ooohh" sounds. He was so smiley and happy the whole time. He enjoyed exploring the hotel room, but got a little restless after awhile. We both had a rough night sleeping, (he likes his own space now, and was kicking me in the face, chest, tummy, legs...all night long.) Daddy was lucky and got his own double bed.

Anyhow, his appointment was, in a word, pointless. The Genetic Counselor and the Doctor had amazing bedside manner and were thorough and adored Finn, (he patted the Doctors leg the whole time, and put his arms up for the Counselor to hold him. They couldn't get enough of him! :)) However, all they did was confirm that yes, Finn has Polands' Syndrome. He only has one of the symptoms of the Syndrome, (he is missing the major and minor Pectoralis muscles on his right side), and it is nothing life threatening or dehabilitating. However, he spent the next hour contradicting himself. He said the medical community has no idea what causes the Syndrome, but in the next breath said that it was because of Luke's family history that there is a genetic defect/marker in Luke's part of our childrens' DNA. He said there is a chance all of our children might have some kind of genetic defect, whether it be something we never even discover or is in no way life threatening like Finn, or something severe like a heart condition. We took it with a grain of salt because he was speculating a lot and contradicting himself back and forth. So, we chose to move on with Finn's prognosis and move on with life!

In other news, Finn is going to be a big brother! I am officially 6 weeks pregnant today and will have my first appt and ultrasound on January 27th! We are so excited to invite a new member into our family, and can't wait for Finn to have a best friend, playmate and brother/sister! We already have names picked out for either gender, and are excited to find out at 18 weeks what it is! So far, I am only queasy and other than that, I am just super excited! Have a great night, all! :)

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