Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thoughts on children. Particularly mine.

I have two children. Two gorgeous, happy and incredibly wonderful boys. Boys who will one day grow up and become men. Next, they will become missionaries or college students; soldiers or blue collar men. I am with them 24/7, 365 days a year. They know when they see my stern face that they are in trouble. They know when they get hurt, that my magical kisses will be there to make it all go away. They know mom is always there, even at 3am when mom would much rather be snuggling up to dad. I will never, ever hurt them, leave them or not tell them I love them and kiss them every chance I get.

For some reason, I have been thinking about their futures a lot lately. It is partly because I am worried about the state of our country; it is also because my baby will be 2 already and my eldest will be 4. It is because Luke and I are hoping for one more and then we are done. No more stretched belly, pubic and hip bone displacement, heartburn or peeing every 20 minutes. No more feeling my sons kick and roll in my tummy or late night conversations so they can hear and know their mama's voice more than anyone else's. No more trips to the Maternity Ward and surgeons slicing my tummy to deliver the best present a mom can get. No more snuggles with a tiny little human that is pieces of the man you love and yourself. That stage of our lives will be over and replacing it will be extracurricular activities, potty training, learning to ride a bike and tie our shoes. Then, onto broken hearts, homework, learning to drive, learning to be comfortable in your own skin and parties and basketball/football games.

Luke and I have had a few conversations about this while lying in the dark, enjoying some quiet and alone time. What will the boys be like? Will the personalities they have now be the ones they keep? Or will Dietrich become the quiet studious one and Finn the wild charming one? Will Finn keep that tall slender frame and continue on with Jujitsu or play Basketball? Will he instead focus on more artistic things such as theater, (like his mama!), music or painting? Will Dietrich keep that broad, bulky frame and be the star linebacker, (with a kind heart of gold, of course)? Will he be the type who knows the importance of education and be the Valedictorian of his graduating class? Will they still come to their mom with their "boo boos" and will I be able to kiss it away? Or will I have to let them hurt and fall and pick themselves up again? Luke and I talk about all these possibilities a lot and we want so much for them to be the best person they can be.

Then, I think about the not so fun things. Will one of them rebel? Will Finn be teased for his chest or Dietrich for his hair color? Will they stay close to Luke and I or will they find us irritating or stupid? I couldn't imagine them any way than how they are now until I was looking through my old pictures on Facebook and saw their newborn pictures, (those who are my friends know that I made them my main pictures. I was feeling nostalgic and couldn't believe those tiny things were now my behemoth children. ;) To help illustrate just how different they already look just 18 months and 3 years later, I am posting their newborn pictures and pictures of them now together. Check this out:

Let's start with my eldest. To me, they honestly don't even look like the same kid. He is three days old in this picture and the bottom was taken last week, (he is always smiling with his front teeth sticking out. Okie style, oh yeah.) But, what do you think? Can you tell Finn is that precious little guy who had a rough start but is now that gorgeous big guy in the second picture?

Now, to my ginger. He was born in very different circumstances. This time, it was me who was going to be having a bit of a rough time and not my newborn. Since he was born via C Section, he came out round and fat, (although Finn never had a cone head, which I was very happy about.) In these pictures, Dietrich was only about 5 hours old and then a couple weeks ago. I honestly can see him in the newborn picture but I am still amazed at how different he looks in such a short time. Thoughts?

Quite honestly, it freaks me out. Where are my tiny babies?! What do you think of all these thoughts and worries I am having about my sons? Do you have them about your own children?

Well, the brownies I am baking are calling to me so I must go. Hug your littles tightly and remember they will only be that age right now and tomorrow they will be a day older. I think the masterful JM Barrie said that. Or something to that effect. Either way, it's pretty deep no? :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The super exciting life of the CA Mitchells

Well, it has been quite awhile since I have updated this little ol' blog. However, after some polite prompting from my dear sister in law and some not so polite prompting from my own head telling me I am a slacker, I waited to put my lil' wild ones to bed and am now updating this thing. So, let's get started! :)

Luke, my dear one. (He's on the far left, for anyone who doesn't know him. I highly doubt that any of my readers don't know him, however, since I think maybe 5 people read this and they are all related to him in some capacity. But, I digress.) He is still always at work, (is anyone really surprised by my handsome workaholic?) He provides so much for the boys and I and for that, I will always appreciate him. As for personal goals, he is very excited to be saving for an AR 15, (I think we own enough weaponry, but I have a feeling he thinks we will never have enough. Oy.) He has been wanting one for heavens knows how long and I am finally "allowing" him to have one. I know, I know. I am such a giving master wife. Other than that, he is looking forward to the summer and getting some time off for a couple very exciting vacations, (see below in my little spill at the end.)

Onto my wild baby, Dietrich. And what a wild boy he is. It's always amazing to me how much personality and quirks you see in children so young, and my boys are no exception. Dietrich is a huge extrovert. He was so calm, quiet and peaceful from birth to about 9 months. Slept, ate, smiled, rolled, crawled and walked like a champ. No problems, no complaining: just did what he was "supposed to" on time and even early. Then, all of a sudden, this happy, loud, wild and super loving boy just came bursting forth. He talks more than most adults: his favorite thing is to call all children, (even ones his age or older) "baby" and all adult men "dad", (which is hugely embarrassing.) He picked up that people talk to little things and animals in a baby voice and now he talks to all those things in his high pitched baby voice. It's hilarious. He does love to hit and wrestle and kick and try to eat dirt and sticks and all those other boys things. He also has a bit of a redheaded temper and will stomp his feet when he gets mad, (Mom is working hard to nip that habit in the bud.) All in all, he has 12 teeth with his canines popping through, he is just under 28lbs and I can't remember how tall, (I will have to look it up later but I am guessing 36 inches.)
Finn is my quiet little introvert with a heart of gold. Seriously, this kid loves to hug everyone, even when they really don't want that hug. He is tall, gangly and gorgeous. I still will never be able to get over how handsome he is, especially when he smiles. He seriously loves Dietrich, except when he tries to take Finn's toys and then it is on! We are working on him sharing and learning to take turns and I saw finally saw him practicing those things today, which made my heart sing! He has a problem with losing his temper and then just losing his mind and becoming inconsolable and I think a huge part of that is because he has a really hard time communicating what he wants or needs with his speech delay. He is getting better every single day, picking up new words and expressing himself more and more but we still have those days where he just gets frustrated, I get frustrated and we both just need to go away, cool down and come back to each other to figure things out. He is also having a hard time sleeping with his enlarged tonsils and adenoids and will be getting those removed asap to help with that. His Doctor and Speech Therapist tells us that removing them will improve his mood, quality of life and his speech so we are scared but confident with our decision. He is crazy smart though and for that, I am proud. He is analytical, (the opposite of his fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants brother), and is always trying to figure out how things work. He can count to 20, tell you the whole Alphabet and the sounds they make, how old he is, what certain shapes are and what his favorite animals are. Speaking of, he is obsessed with Dinosaurs, Ducks, his giant stuffed Caterpillar and Puppy and real dogs that give kisses. He also love trucks, trains, cars and flashlights. He is extremely tall and looks more and more like a Stuevens every day, (with a hint of a Mitchell smile.) He is finally potty trained and we are working on night training him as well. I recently became a member of Polands' Sydrome Awareness after finding out that Finn has Scoliosis as a side effect of missing those right pectoral muscles. I have found many amazing people with PS or who have children with PS and am glad to have that support for such a rare genetic disorder. Finn really is such a special and amazing little three and a half year old, and I can't imagine not having my bug.

It's me! This is the most recent picture I have and it is surprisingly accurate in how I look right now. ;) There really isn't much to say about me, other than I am still chubby and still trying to lose it. I have hit a snag and it is really discouraging. I get especially down when I see my wedding pictures or pictures of me in High School and College. I looked amazing. I was never a stick, but I used to have these amazing curves and a tiny, flat waist. I get so depressed looking at what my midsection has turned into, (it seriously looks like Pillsbury dough that a cat then attacked and slashed to pieces.) This is cliché, but my New Years Resolution is to lose all this weight and my motivation is one of the things in the next paragraph AND the prospect of adding a third and final member to the CA Mitchells, (I am emotionally and mentally ready but I am so NOT physically ready.) Oh, and I dyed my hair black. Whatcha think? :)

So, as for the news regarding all four of us, there is lots. In March, Luke and I will be taking the boys and together, we will be sealed for time and all eternity as a family in the LDS temple. Luke and I have been working towards this since we got engaged 6 years ago and we are finally almost there. The feeling I get just thinking about it is indescribable. I always knew it would happen in my heart, but there were times when we thought it wouldn't happen until after we passed away, (an exaggeration but you get the point!) I am nervous, excited, elated, ecstatic and all those other words to describe the feeling you get when you are finally getting the ultimate gift from our Heavenly Father.

In other news, my baby niece, Brooke, will be graduating from High School this June and I am so proud/excited for her! It's crazy. I was there when she was freaking born and now she drives, has a boyfriend and will be going to College in the Fall. CRAZY! Anyhow, per tradition in the Stuevens family, the entire extended family will be attending her graduation and then leaving the next morning for...Disneyland!!!! WOOT WOOT! (For those who didn't catch that, this is my other motivator to lose weight!) It's our family's favorite place to be and it's where we take each teen that graduates, (we did it with all my sisters and myself.) I cannot wait to take the boys and see their faces light up! Also, per tradition, and along with 5 days at Disneyland, the graduate gets to choose one day for whatever they want. I chose Graumanns' Chinese Theater and Universal Studios, and my sisters chose Knottsberry Farm. Brooke has chosen this year to go to Medieval Knights (or Nights?) and it will be our first time so we are thrilled. Luke is even getting more excited as the months pass, (I think he is just excited for a long break from work.) Coming June 2014: The Mitchell, Robinson, Hess, Hawke, Stuevens, and West family's will be invading Anaheim! YAY!

I think that is all for now, but I do have another entry I have been wanting to write for awhile now in my head. And there it shall stay, until tomorrow. So, don't forget to check back for that thrilling entry. Good night and I love you all! :)