Friday, September 27, 2013


Hello all! I am posting a bunch of videos I have taken over the last week or so here, so that there is a clear, concise place to enjoy them! So...enjoy! :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quick Updates, Part Deux

That last post was NOT supposed to publish, but I apparently clicked "Publish" rather than just "Save." Anyhow, let me finish my last post, (apparently I am not computer savvy enough to know how to just edit my last post with the rest of the updates.)

LUKE: The above picture is of Luke and Finn when Luke was a new dad and Finn was a new baby! Luke is still working hard and taking care of the financial part of the Mitchell household, (CA Branch.) He is still an amazing man, an incredible father and a great lookin' husband! He is a little stressed with some unsavory politics at work and the state of the Union as a whole, (he is heavily involved with what is happening in DC and it sometimes incurs wrath on his part.) There is not much else to say about what is going on with him.

LIZ: The above picture is my sister, KK and I during Thanksgiving 2010. Finn was just under a month old so I am new mommy in this picture! Anyhow, I am having fun being home with my two wild boys and taking care of the house. We had a rather scary experience with them last week, (see future post for the full story), but we came out on top and all is well again, Thank the Lord. I have hit an annoying plateau with this weight loss thing. I am still only 16 lbs down and have been for almost a month now. I need to get back in the gym and cut out my precious Mt. Dew as well. It managed to sneak its' way back in, unfortunately. Other than that, I am attempting to catch up on precious sleep, (which I know doesn't help with my weight loss goals), and be a patient mother to a preschooler and a toddler. We are saving and preparing to go to Disneyland next summer, continuing my family's tradition of attending Disneyland when a family member graduates from High School, (in this case, it will be my niece, Brooke. I am still in denial that she is a Senior with a license and a boyfriend.) One of my goals is to be only 20lbs from my goal weight when we go, (so I have an excuse to buy a new wardrobe.) My next goal is to be at my ideal weight before we discuss having another baby. I would be excited to get pregnant when Dietrich is 15 months old, (that's how old Finn was when I got pregnant with D2) and have our third and probably final be the same age gap. However, my body is not healthy at this weight and I don't want to have increased risks of Gestational Diabetes or anything that could hurt the baby. Therefore, we will have to wait until I am at my peak health. Plus, Luke is still going back and forth as to whether he even wants a third and I need him to be 100% sure before we go for three.

I think that is all for now. Keep checking back for more updates that I want to log in here. However, the boys have been asleep for three hours so, by my calculations, I have 2 more hours until Dietrich wakes his one of two times and between 6-8 hours until the boys are up and wreaking havoc! Good night, all! :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Quick Updates

I will be blogging again tonight after the boys are asleep, I have had a chance to finally shower and my house is shut down for the night. But, since the boys are distracted by Madagascar and my house is clean, I thought I would do my quick updates on the boys, Luke and myself. So, here we go!

Mr. Dietrich, aka Red Rick, aka The Boulder. He is a fearless, wild child with no qualms about wrestling his big brother to the ground and cackling while doing it. He is such the opposite of Finn: he is crazy, happy, loud, animated and curious about everything. He is a fast runner with endless amounts of energy and he just doesn't quit until he crashes, (usually on the floor or in my arms.) He is snuggly and loves kisses and hugs. He loves it when daddy holds him upside down or throws him into the air. He will eat anything and everything, (which is a huge blessing!) He is down to one nap, (something we implemented today, since he has been wanting to stay up later and later with two naps), and loves playing with anything that his big brother is playing with. He also loves to throw everything and actually has quite a good arm for a one year old! At his one year well check, he was 24lbs and 32inches!

My three year old, Captain Finnegan. Well, almost three. He is finally talking to Luke and I! We have been praying, fasting and working with Finn to get him to open up and it is finally happening. Granted, he is still the "silent" type, but every day, he will tell me more and more and express himself. I was worried, but now I see that this is who Finn is becoming. He is cautious, analytical and reminds me of a Mathematician or Engineer. In fact, my dad calls him "The Engineer." He is an incredible builder, loves counting, saying the Alphabet and coloring. He loves his trucks and dinosaurs and quite often falls asleep holding one of his many Semis or T-Rexs', (I quietly remove them after he is asleep, so he doesn't get an uncomfortable surprise when he rolls in his sleep.) He has a temper and definitely has his fathers' passion and drive. He is tall, super thin and would be content to eat French fries and drink milk. Slowly, however, he is opening up to new tastes and has discovered a love of salads of all kinds. He is 37lbs and estimated at 41inches!

I have no new pictures of Luke or myself, so for our updates, we just have a little bold letters for easy reading.

LUKE: My handsome husband of four years, (September 5th!).