Monday, May 6, 2013

To the moon and back!

Hello to everyone who reads this, (hey Rach and Sabrina.) ;) Just doing another quick update on the dudes and the lone dudette in this house, (that's me.) Well, let's start with the mister and slowly move our way down to the youngest, shall we?

Luke is in pain. A lot of pain. He is also exhausted because said pain won't abate long enough for him to get any restful sleep. He has been working at least 65 hours the last three weeks, and after nagging him to go to the doctor to see what is up with him, he finally went last week. His shoulder muscles, pectoral muscles, one side of his back and his arm, (all on the right side), are all out of place, knotted up and in a permanent tense position. He has been given mild medication, put on a lighter load at work, (which hasn't happened and probably won't in his line of work), and will be starting physical therapy in the next couple weeks. Other than that, he is doing great! He is a great daddy, a superb hubbs and still wickedly handsome, lol.


                                                           Luke with his two brothers                                

Next is the lone woman. I am doing great actually! I haven't burned myself in a month, (seriously I severely burnt myself three times in two months) and I have lost 6 lbs. Not much, but made me happy nonetheless! I try to get to the gym at least three to four days a week for at least an hour; Finn and Dietrich love the gym daycare and I can see them from where I work out so it relieves any anxiety I have about leaving them. I found a website that has you input all your info, (weight, height, age, gender, activity level, etc.) and gives you a healthy and reasonable timeline for you to reach your goal weight. According to it, to lose all the weight I want to in a healthy and responsible way, I will be at my goal weight by August 2014, (that tells you just how much weight I need to lose, huh?) I am 5 lbs lighter though, so even though it is small, I am encouraged that I am on my way. I can't wait to feel comfortable in my own body again.

                                                                   "How you doin'?"

Finn is awesome. And passionate. And fiery. Lol. What else? He can count to 10, and talks more and more every day. He has a temper and is showing a bit of a jealous streak with Dietrich. We are working on him sharing more with Dietrich and how to properly express himself, rather than screaming and whining until he gets what he wants, (which never happens so it is still funny to me that he thinks it will work, lol.) He is definitely a two year old. And, now I am going to brag for a bit. I honestly look at Finn, and am still amazed at how beautiful he really is. That kid has a perfect face, eyes, nose and smile. I am frightened for his teenage years, if he continues on this road to being so gorgeous. Well, I am his mother so maybe it's just my bias talking.

                                                          Look at cutie patootie...
Now, to the baby. Dietrich Miles. My little tomato. He is crawling, cruising the furniture and talking up a storm. I am amazed at how fast he is doing things, but I know it's because he is trying to catch up to his big brother so he can play too! He loves to rough house with Finn, and I let him, well supervised of course. He loves to snuggle, too. Good Lord, does he! At night, he burrows into my chest, gripping my shirt and that is how he falls asleep. I don't mind in the least. He is only this age once and soon he won't have time to sit with me and let me hold him. I love my little bug, and his sweet, laidback nature. What an awesome bubbs he has been! :)
