Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh, the drama!!!

Just when everything looks perfect, a little bump in the road appears. We got different insurance for both the cars, and the monthly rate was a sweet deal. Now, don't get me wrong. It really isn't much of a bump. Today, I get a letter saying you have a ticket, (speeding from two years ago), and an accident, (which I thought wasn't on my record), from last year. Therefore, your insurance is going to go up from $66 a month, to a little over a $100 a month. $34? Not that big of deal, I know. I just feel so bad; I told them there wasn't anything on my record, (I honestly thought there wasn't), and if it wasn't for me, our insurance would still be nice and low. Then, I get home and decide to do an assessment of our finances. Again, NOT that bad. But, with our car payment and insurance, we added about $250 to our monthly bills. We were paying a lot on medical bills, but they are all paid off, (thank the Lord!) For some reason, every time I assess our finances, I get stressed. We could have plenty in the savings, all our bills could be paid, and Luke and I both will still stress out about it all. Something I do, though, is hide my stress and always talk about the positives when it comes to our finances. Like, "hey our insurance went up but only $30. Oh, by the way, we are done paying off our medical bills!" Always the optimist. Luke works so hard for us so I try to make things the least stressful that I can. All I can say right now is, thank the Lord for a nice savings account to fall back on if needed!
On a different note, I am now 36 weeks 4 days and he is kicking the crap out of me. I am so ready for him to be out, but at the same time, he needs to cook all he can so I am trying to ignore the aches and pains and be patient. We are having my mom, dad, my sisters Lydia and Kristina, and my brother-in-law Danny and niece Brooke when Finn decides to arrive. That's a lot of people for our little tiny two bedroom cottage. But, I am excited that they will all be here and we will make room! Anyhow, I am off to try to relax a bit and then get motivated to clean out my spare bedroom closet. Have a great day, everyone!